!!! EXP GUIDE !!! ======================================================= Followers' guide: This note is for all newbies, ie 95% of the people on the mud (won't say 95% of people reading this, because only 5% of the ones who needs it actually reads help files). * Bring a BOAT, bring a BOAT, bring a BOAT!!! There is no need to waste priests' mana by having to ask for summon because the group walked over some water, or leader's time by returning and trying to find an ak mage to cast fly on you. * "who group" will list available groups. The first player listed is the leader. His title will often hint about whether you are welcome to join or not. Eg: ask: Ask leader if you may join. DTFF: Don't Tell, Find & Follow (just get to leader and follow him). Lvl 80-: You may join if you are max level 80 50/50+: You may join if you are at least level 50/50 Merc only: Open only for members of that merc. Closed: No, you are not welcome to join Normally you are expected to be at least level 50/50 to join. * Bring a BOAT! * To get to the group, if it's not in Karandras, dimdoor (if you are a mage) or ask a priest. If unsure, ask someone in the group where the group is. You can't get summons to a different continent, into Underworld, to the Great Red Wyrm, to Waywatcher rooms and some other places. * Bring a BOAT! * Set second in Myrridon. If it's your first trip to NC (NC=New Continent. You will notice when going there by grouptells about NC, waiting by a shore, boarding a ship and then standing still for some time while the boat takes you to the other continent) TELL the leader that you haven't been there before and he will hopefully help you set that place as second hometown. Second hometown means that whenever you are in NC and recall, you will end up in the Myrridon temple. If you haven't set hometown, you will recall to Karandras. * Bring a BOAT! * If blinded, wait a little before complaining. Priests _should_ gheal after fights against mass-blinding mobs. Unfortunately nobody does, but some leaders actually asks the priests for groupheals when people get blinded. * If we are resting and you have full mana and heal ability, _spend_ some of that mana to heal someone. If you are highest level in the group and have access to the armor spell, cast it on the tank, rogues & nightblades. Casting regenerate on non-priest spellcasters, group blessing, recasting holyword, spelling up yourself,... Never hurts to do if you have full mana. * Turn OFF autoloot, but keep autogold ON. ALWAYS have autosplit ON. * Try to stay with the group. If you need to recall to buy onions/etc, do it fast. * Bring enough recall stuff to last you the whole pg. If you _do_ run out of them, try recalling the "normal" way before asking for summons to get to town. * Bring a BOAT! And finally... BRING A BOAT!!! ======================================================= ======================================================= Leaders' guide: Tips: * Many people will follow you if you just tell them "exp" (don't expect all of them to be 100% ak, though). * If you have a high level purepriest, have him cast group armor (ask "garm" or tell "agarm"). * Any purepriest can cast group bless (ask "gbless" or tell "agbless") * Any priest can cast holy, so best to set a halfpriest on it (tell "aholy") * Puremages can cast magic carpet (ask "gfly" or tell "agfly") * Puremages can cast group invisibility (ask "gimp" - useful eg when passing the marsh on the way to Citadel of Order) * If fighting a mob that blinds, ask for a gheal after the fight. * If fighting a mob that withers, ask for a gpow after the fight. * Might be a good idea to _not_ be invisible/dark, to make sure you don't run past aggies, leaving someone to battle them alone. Use gimp if needed. * Try to spread the priest-settings, to reduce the risk of everyone healing the same person at the same time. Ghp-heals is usually more drainy than thp-heals, so if you have more than one purepriest, you can eg set the best one (with regen) to thp 50, ghp 60, and the other one to thp 60, ghp 50. * It's probably a good idea to consider using ghostly spear as energy-weapon and get your followers to do likewise. It can be stabbed with by rogues but doesn't deal "PIERCE" damage, so can be used against the Solom ghosts. And if everyone (most) people uses it, then it can be used against other pierce-immune mobs too, even if they aren't vulnerable to energy (making sure all the rogues can help out). * Best would be if everyone could add a new weapon type - plain, that didn't have any specials. Then that could be used against any mob with weird resistances/immunities (bloody dagger for rogues and the 15-thronged whip for non-rogues are perfect plain-weapons. If you can't do damage with them, then no other weapon will work either). * Some priests have popcheck-scripts to help you figure out which areas have respawned (pop:ed). Try grouptelling "popcheck oc" to see if anyone has it. Syntax and response can vary. If several has this trigger, try using tell instead of grouptell, to get just one response. The most commonly used targets to check pop on are oc/nc/medjai/drow/uw/soulies, but others exist. Common courtesy (imo): * If someone dies, MAKE SURE he gets his corpse back! Many people have spent months and even years to get their eq. * Expect some people to be afk. You are still responsible for them. If you don't like it, ditch whoever shows to be afk (in a SAFE place. And just tell them they're welcome back once they get ak again). * Don't go up against mobs that normally kill people, unless you have a big group consensus. Many people joining exp are there for exp - not to risk their lives. * The followers aren't there for your personal gain. If you take a group and only kill a couple of eq-mobs, roll ALL the eq. As a leader, it's ok to take a leadpick, but then you're expected to lead some exp too. And even if you do lead some exp, it doesn't allow you to risk peoples lives, just so you can leadpick a power-item. * If people keep failing to recall, I see no problem in ditching them (once summoned to FS). Same if you lose people because they aren't having a boat. Just ditch and tell them they're welcome back once they've fixed whatever they are lacking. Healing: Priest healings aren't too easy to understand. This is what (I believe) their different abbreviations mean, and how to handle them: -> grouptell status ...and you might get something like this: (group)Cd is set to, 'Tank: Sue, mhp: 10% thp: 60% ghp: 60% gphp: 75%(4) dHEAL Off (uzi 1.41) Tank: Is set to "Sue". Usually the leader, but could be a non-leader who is starting every attack (because leader is too puny), or a rescuer. He's the one expected to take the most damage. mhp: MiraHealPercent! If tank gets below this, priest will cast mira on him. Have it set low - normally to kick in only in case of emergency. thp: TankHealPercent! If tank gets below this, priest will cast true on him. ghp: GroupHealPercent! If a groupmember gets below this, priest will true him. gphp: GroupPowerHealPercent! If X groupmembers gets below this (X being the number in parentheses), priest will cast a gpow. Useful when fighting many opponents. dHEAL:Dynamic healing. Heal at higher percentage when high on mana and lower when low on mana. Normally considered crap, but quite useful if handled correctly. Don't bother with this unless you understand it. To change any percentage, use tell. Eg "tell thp 60". Good standard values, if only one priest, see the example above. For two priests, set the "best" priest (with regen, otherwise highest level) to thp-50, ghp-60, and the other one to thp-60, ghp-50 (ghp is normally more drainy than thp). Note: It's good if priests have different values, or they will both heal the same person at the same time, causing overhealing and inefficiency. Trueheal costs 80 mana and gives one person a double-powerheal. Gpow costs 150 mana and gives everyone a powerheal. So if 4 people needs healing, a gpow will heal as much as two trueheals, slightly cheaper and at half the time. Personally, I like having gphp set to 75% on the "best" priest. The lower your numbers are, the less overhealing you will have: If someone has 2k hp, it's good if he is below 50% before he gets a +1k hp trueheal. But you don't want them so low that people die. Deaths are always inefficient. A tank with 5k hp can have thp at 80% with almost no overhealing. No need to keep the tank permanently low on hp (just increases the risk of him dying). Stick to the basics in the beginning. If a priest gets drained too fast, or stays at 100% while the rest goes down, you can try modifying the numbers. After a while you might get a feeling for it, and find your own preferred settings. Finally, if priests are full, let next area be a drainy one. If priests are getting low, let next area be a less drainy one. Save one drainy area, to clear last, before taking the boat to the other continent (unless you can jump between the continents). ------------------------------------------------------- O C ------------------------------------------------------- Laboratory: (soulcrushers) =========== > Get to Ofcol 3wnwn6e > walk "carefully": 5e2u2w2u2eu4w (water, some aggie mini-mobs, doors) open mirror gtell use pure n6w5n open door d > Kill all on this floor: > Clearing east side: 6e4s3n6w (one step at a time) > Clearing south side: 4s4ew2ns3w4n (one step at a time) > Then walk to bottom floor. se2sen3eswsese open door d > Mystical ones are tough and have areablind & plasmaball, so kill on own risk. > Just follow the path and kill whatever you want. 6w5n6e4s5w3n4e2s3wne > If you skipped many due to being in the same room, you can walk back and > kill the ones that's moved to more convenient positions: ws3e2n4w3s5e4n6w5s6e > Done! Note: Most soulcrushers move around (sneaking). Only the aggressive (angry) and mystical ones are standing still. Soulcrushers assist each other. Only exception is the aggressive ones, on bottom floor, who aren't assisted by anyone. If more than one soulcrusher in the same room, you can always skip them and return a bit later, and they might have spread out. Angry & mystical soulcrushers may spawn badly if not all are killed, causing more than one to appear in the same room. Ceanyth + dungeon: (beasts & monsters) ================== > Get to Kings Castle 6wnwn gtell use dark > walk carefully: 8 north (random-agg guards here) open door 4nu open door north n > Kill & loot lady. Sometimes has 1.2M gold sd open door west w > Kill & loot lord. Sometimes has 3M gold unlock door north, open door north n > kill & loot golem. Sometimes has 750k gold n > kill & loot golem. Sometimes has 750k gold 2se2s open door west gtell use pure ws2d > Walk through the whole area, step by step, killing all monsters & beasts. > sw part can be skipped since it's normally pretty empty. I also normally > skip the southeasternmost room (since it's 6 steps to check one room). > Walking with slight overlap, to catch moving ones: 2snwn2snwn2snwnsw5en2snen2sn2ewsewsnwn2snwn2sn2w > if you want to include the southwest area, go: 3wesewswnswese2weswe2s2nensewsnw2n2en2snen2sn2ew > else go: ese2wesew > Then continue: sw2ewswe2s2nes2nses2nses2nses2nsesn > To include southeast room, now go: ew4e > Then continue: n2w2en2w2enewnswn2sn2wsnwene > Done! Note: Guards might have life-items (sleeves, gauntlets, boots, etc). Have a mage "cast 'locate object' life", and you'll know if the guards are worth killing (not worth killing for just exp). Underworld: (soldiers, members & gods) =========== > Get to Olympus where hermes > Get to Hermes. If you have trouble and a rogue, you can "gt track hermes" ask hermes death gtell use dark n > If barge isn't there, wait for it board barge > Check if you have a Ma/Ma. If so, ask him "gfly", to not lose non-flying > people who aren't carrying boats. > wait until barge brings you to the other side leave barge 10n5e2ne3nw3n3en7e > Move and kill all soldiers & members, plus Ajax & Musaeus (= everything): 3n4e6s4w6n2ese4s2w4n2e4sw2n > Skip the guard to the plane of the gods. Big mouth, big size, small exp. > Just move up and kill all guards there, plus all gods except Odysseus > (tough) and Arcane (no-attack): nu2n, kill guards, sw, kill guards, u, kill Jason d2e, kill guards, u, kill Theseus dse, kill guards, u, kill Orpheus d4w, kill guards, es, kill guards, u, kill Perseus d2e, kill guards, u, kill Achilles dws, kill guards, u, kill Agamemnon > Then head back: d2n open gate d3sw4nen2w3s7ws3w3se3sw2s5w10s > If barge isn't there, wait for it board barge > wait until it brings you to the other side leave barge s enter stone > Done! Note: Whole area is nosummon/norecall, which is why you have to walk back. Dragons Graveyard: (attendants, dragons, wyrms etc) ================== > Get to Karandras obelisk 10wn3wswswn12ws2w2sen > Hatchling has key to gate, but flees, so better pick gtell pick gate gtell use unlife open gate n > Careful now! Aggie draconians & bodyguards. If unsure, peek. 2n > If it hasn't been done, open the door east, so draconians/bodyguards can > move away. Will make it a lot safer next time you (or others) come here: e, open door east, w > If diamond ring is popped, you might want to go fetch it: nu2se kill mage w2nds > Then move on to the graveyard: wd open grey s gtell pick door west open door west 3w > Some aggie Dragon Master here. Just kill, and then move on: enter tomb gtell pick symbol open symbol d, enter abyss, s > (the symbol only needs to be picked and opened once - stays open until boot) > Kill attendants first, since they are agg and vuln unlife. 4 of them, > moving around. Normally one in each quadrant: swnswesn2en2snw3sw2ewswesw2ewn3en2snesnes2nsw3nw2ewnewne2wes4wn > Then another round, this time killing everything else. Note that Doomed > Wyrms sometimes turn into Zombie Wyrms when dead. gtell use slay dragon swnswesn2en2snw3sw2ewswesw2ewn3en2snesnes2nsw3nw2ewnewne2wes4wn > Done! Kaltor: (charred skeletons) ======= > Get to Elemental Canyon usd > Agg cyclops here. Can ge ignored if you get a gimp before going. 3dese gtell use unlife > walk carefully: 13n (aggie lvl 66 corpses) open door east ed open door south > walk carefully: 5s (aggie lvl 67 serpents) open door south s open door south > Go through the whole bottom level, one room at a time, killing all charred > skeletons (skip the two southernmost rooms with Balgroth & Kaltar): sd4s2n2eswsw2ese2s2wes2w2e2nwnwesw2sw2nwne2newswn2w2ses2n > Done! Note: Charred skeletons move around, so there may be several in the same room. They are aggressive, and hit pretty hard. At least two purepriests is preferred, and you'd want to have 3k+ hitpoints as a leader, to handle walking into a room with 3 of them. If you feel unsafe, use a peeker. One of the skeletons is level 100 and info. He looks pretty much like the other skeletons, and is just a little tougher. Amphitheatre: (grolims) ============= > Get to Sundhaven 3e open gate 3es2es3ese2n4w gtell use iron > Go through the whole area, one room at a time, killing all the aggressive > grolim warrior priests (and the fanatic Grolim priests if you want). > East side: 3n4e7n3wedw2e5s5w > And back: 5e5nwu2e7s4w > West side: 3w2ndnu4n2e2w4sd3newsd3s3e4nwe3s > And bottom floor. Here is a high priest (vuln energy). He can be found in > the northwest room, which can get nasty if there are other aggies with him. dnswn Note: Fanatic Grolim priests are not aggressive. If you attack them, be ready to toss a gheal after the fight, since they blind people. All priests (except high priest) move around. Abandoned Caves: (deep ones, star spawns, proto) ================ > Get to Solace 7seu2nw4n3e3n3u6en gtell use fire > Find and kill Mor'balach (aggressive, vuln pure/light/fire/slay orc) d3ew2s2w6n2esn2w2s2w2sew2s2w > Get his key and get to the door in southwest (d2w2s2w from entrance). unlock door open door drop key gtell use normal > Go through the whole area and kill all deep ones and star spawns. 13wne2sws2w4n2e2w2s > Clear the rest of the area, includng 2 proto shoggoths 4e3nwnswes2enewnw > If you feel lucky, and the pnakotic manuscripts is loaded, you can use > the old parchment (a key) and go kill Shub-Niggurath: > (unlock door, open door, 3nes) > otherwise you're done. Note: Deep ones and star spawns move around. Hunting horrors and proto shoggoths stand still (and the horrors aren't worth bothering with). This is not a great exp-area, but if elder sign is loaded, it'll give a decent item on the way. Coven: (witches) ====== > Get to New Thalos 2enes gtell use normal 2d2ed > Kill all the witches in this, southeast, arm of the star: wes2wsw3es2wese > Then, take the shortcut to FS: sus Note: No known irv:s, and I'm fairly sure they don't have any. The priestess (sanced) casts area spells. Nothing terrifying. Haon Dor: (trees) ========= > Get to Karandras obelisk 10wn3wswswn9w gtell use acid > Go through the whole area, one room at a time, killing all trees except the > oak one, which is tougher. Small, aggie wolves will attack here & there: 3w2new2s2e2s2wn2w2sws3wne3w2es3es2ewnensen2e2sw > Done! Note: Normal tree: A huge, ancient tree towers above you. Big tree: A huge, ancient oak tree looks down on you from above. ....and the big one is also sanced. Not sure how much tougher it is. Also, beware of the DT! If you wee an up-exit, you have most likely managed to get into the Arachnos-area. DT is then just west of you. Snake Lair: (wyrm + snakes) =========== > Get to Enchanted Forest > Go to the wyrm. A few tiny goats may attack you on your way: 3w gtell use slay dragon kill wyrm > When he dies "get treasure" (700k gold). Loot his stuff if you like, but > some items are cursed. He might have a flask that young mages can kill for. > Next the snakes: 4e4de4nen open boulder gtell use normal gtell use slay snake > Then just go around and kill every snake you find: 3ne3wnen2wswenen2esdsn2esenenweswsedesesenewswnw2nedseseswswnswnen > Then go back to see if any snakes hiding in the tiny room has moved out enuwswu2wn2ws > If you got any snakeskins, this is the time to hand then out to whoever > needs them, and then wait a bit for them to finish their quests. Note: All snakes are hidden, so most non-ktv will not be able to attack. Not all snakes are aggressive, so you don't want people to aura up or to areaspell. Thus, the killing goes a bit slower and so does the exp. Also, there may be many snakes in the same room, so it can hurt a bit if you're small. On the upside, once you've killed off 200 snakes (57 snakes in the area, so during fourth cleanup), The White Snake will come hunting you. He has a key for the altar at the bottom, with the fabled white snakeskin belt. Ragnarok: (wargs) ========= > Get to Karandras obelisk 10wn3wswswn12ws2w2sws3wnwn5u10ndswsd > Now you have to get past some rooms which might have aggressive giants. > Either use a peeker to make sure you don't walk into a room with several, > or have someone sneak past them. Or pray for luck. 4wnw > Inside the warg area. gtell use mental > And now just walk around the area and kill everything except Angerboda. 2wseseswenwn2wnwne2wne2ws2ws3ews2es2esws2esesws2ens2wnenwnws2wses2wns2enwnwne > (Angerboda north of here) 2wnewnewsw2ns2wseseses2wes2w2ne > Done! Note: Wolves are random-delay-agg - they do not attack on entry, but there's a chance they will react (growl at you or something), which means they will attack you in a couple of seconds. Wolves are vuln mental but resist dark, so no do not use Nemesis. Angerboda is big, aggressive and summons small wolves. Skip her. Ragnarok: (giants) ========= > Get to Karandras obelisk 10wn3wswswn12ws2w2sws3wnwn5u10ndsesd gtell use slay giant > Now just go south, out in the plains and move around as you like, killing > anything you feel you can take. If unsure of where to go, just go straight > south until you get to the end, then go a step west or east, and then > straight north again. Peeker is useful here, to not get too many. Note: These guys hit VERY hard! You will want to have a tank with nice hp, rescues for the weak and a peeker to not get several aggies at once. Thor & Odin are PG-mobs, so skip them. Non-agg: Viking, Valkyrie Agg: Berserker, Giant Warrior Delayed-agg: Fire Giant, Frost Giant ------------------------------------------------------- N C ------------------------------------------------------- Cohn Shar: (medjai warriors) ========== > Get to Crossroad 2nen2en3en2en2es2es2en3enwnw3nw6ne2ne2ne2nenwn gtell use iron 2ne3n4eu > Kill both warriors here d8wu > Kill both warriors here d4nu > Kill both warriors here d8eu > Kill both warriors here d4wnu4n > Kill both warriors here unlock gate open gate drop key > Go through the north area, one step at a time, killing all the warriors. newns3w4n3e2wse2we2s2es4n3e4s3w3n2ese2wese2w > Done! Note: Only the north part has moving Medjais. Medjais are vuln slay human too. Once opened, the gates will stay open until reboot. The area respawns _very_ often. Guallidurth: (drows) ============ > Get to Crossroad 2nen2en3en4ws2w2n3w2s2w gtell use ice > If you're below level 40 or good-aligned, you can't go south. If so, either > disband to someone that can bring the group south, or have someone move > south, and then have a priest create a gate to him, and bring the group > through it. Once there, check for notheres and summon them. enter field s kill drow (the gate guard) unlock gate open gate > Go through the area, one step at a time, killing all the drows (archers and > assassins are not worth bothering with) 3sewsew2s2w4s4e open window 3e open secret e3n3s4w4n4w4sw open door 2w3n6sw3n Note: Many, but not all, drows walk around. Vuln pure/light/ice/slay drow-elf. Elite guards are agg-good, so be careful not to walk past them, leaving someone to battle them alone. Once opened, the doors will stay open until reboot. 2 gate guards (not moving) have keys. Both are cursed. Once you learn where they are, you might want to turn off autoloot for those two. 3 rooms in the west part have assassins. They are closed in by doors, which are better left closed, to make things less messy. THE Dot: Ultrahidden mob. Always spawns 6sw from entry guard. Can have dots as eq (mana-dots and ac-dots). Have a mage locate "dot" and if any is found on "someone" (and the locating mage can see hidden), it means the dot has them. This dot is NOT the same as the visible (hidden) dots. To find it, you need to be able to see hidden, AND have sense life. The dot will then be in the room where you get the message: "You sense a hidden life form in the room." He is vuln unlife and flees when he's close to death. He is not tough or dangerous, just a bit messy to kill. To kill: Clean out the drows nearby gtell use unlife attack with some areadamage tell others to "area to join" Once fighting stops, he has fled. Check the rooms nearby for this "You sense a hidden..." line. When found, have a mage cast hell storm. This will make him flee again, so quickly repeat this 5-6 times and he'll be dead. Khronatio: (decapitated women) ========== > Get to NC crossroad 2nen2en3en2en2es2es2en3enwnw3nw6ne2ne2ne2ne2ne2ne2ne2ne2ne4n gtell use fire > walk carefully: 2n7w4n5ene (small aggie troins here) gtell use water > Then go through the town, first taking the whole outer circle: 5e, e, n, n, ne, e, 3e, 2e, e, es, s, 2s, s, sw, w, 2w, w, 2w, w, wn, n > Then the central parts: ne, e, en, se, e, en, n, 2se, e, 2ws, s > Done! Check for survivors/respawn: whe woman > If all dead, recall group and move on. Note: Women stand still, so taking this path will always get all of them. Women are aggressive. Women can murder. Not often, but it does happen. Women cast sun ray. Small people can easily die. If you want to play safe(r), have a priest cast gpow whenever you see a sun ray. If you don't kill all women, they might spawn badly, being two or even three in the same room. If this happens, the double ones are usually found in the south & southeast parts. There can be doubles even if you did kill them all. Alterac: (waywatchers, guards) ======== > Get to NC crossroad 2nen2en3en2en2es2es2en3enwnw3nw6ne2ne2ne2ne2ne2n4ese gtell use unlife kill gatekeeper get key corpse unlock gate open gate e3nus2u > Kill all waywatchers here d2su > Kill all waywatchers here 2dsd2eu > Kill all waywatchers here d3enu > Kill all waywatchers here d2nu > Kill all waywatchers here d2nu > Kill all waywatchers here dn3wu > Kill all waywatchers here gtell use slay human > Go through the whole area and kill all suitable humans: d2w6s2eud3enud2nud2budn2ws2weseswswsn2e2s3wun pick door open door 3e3w2ud2nu2d open door 5ewn2ws2wnd5es pick door open door wd3w2s2n open door 2nwse gtell use pure > turn off autoloot s pick cell open cell wes open cell wene open cell north ns open cell south sne open cell north ns open cell south s > turn on autoloot > Done! Note: Suitable humans are high-leveled, non-area-casting humans with standard irv:s. 80 A lieutenant of the high command oversees proceedings 80 A weary Bretonnian soldier recuperates from the strains of bat... 82 A member of the Alterac high command opposes you For extra exp, you can also take these area-harm casting mercenaries: 83 A soldier of fortune waits here for direction 83 An adventurer of the realm is killing some time here The lugrokis in the cells have cursed, heavy manacles. That's why you turn off autoloot. Check their corpses, in case they have some artifact. And don't forget to turn on autoloot again once the area is clear. Dragontail Isle: (Sarakesh guys & bodaks) ================ > From Gressford: 24ws2ws2w2se2swseses > If dragon isn't there, wait for it board dragon gtell use mental > wait until dragon brings you to the other side leave d3ws6w > If gate is closed & locked, kill gatekeeper and unlock gate with his key. 3wsw2ses2w2s > Go through the ground level, one step at a time, killing all sarakesh guys: ensesws2es2wsewswnsw2nwsnwn2enwnens2e2se2s2wn > Second level, for simplicity, kill only the aggie ones. > Peaceful ones have are damage and blindness, but are otherwise nice exp. u2sw2nwne2nw2esus get psalmbook > Third level can be cleared too, but also area damage and blinds, so skipping. ndn2ew2s2es2wswnd3s get key unlock gate open gate > Keep the key! It may be needed for the Bodak cells too. > First kill the 4 draconians (area-damagers). sds3w6s6e6n > Then kill all the bodaks. 5wn swse w2sw e2se wsw 3es n2es nen sene wnw e3ne wnws Done! Note: Many sarakesh guys (the non-aggie ones) move around. Non-aggie ones will asist other non-aggies. Bodaks may spawn badly if not all are killed. Very often the west cell (nr 3 if my route is followed) has double bodaks. All mobs are vulnerable to mental. Most are also vuln silver. Bodaks are vuln slash/silver/mental/slay magical. Loads of mobs are immune dark, so Nemesis is a poor choice of weapon. Once you get comfortable, the best might be to start with top floor, since you'll be a bit rested and that one is most drainy. Working downwards it gets easier and on ground level your priests can probably even regain a bit of mana, which can be good for when taking the bodaks. Oblivion: (misc) ========= ------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL ------------------------------------------------------- Grand master @ Citadel of Order: (quest boots) ================================ > Get to Sundhaven 6es2es3ese3ne > walk (carefully or use gimp): e4s3es3wn open gate gtell use slay human 3n open up u3n2us open south > walk carefully: s2w > loot key and unlock+open the door north n > If GM isn't here, he's either east, north or north-east. Kill him. Note: All mobs here are human. GM casts area wither, so once dead, have a priest toss a gpow. Sin quest area: =============== > Get to Kerjim gtell use pure > Walk carefully: 7d4ne > For angels, say: In Nomini Noctu, et Antitheus, et Spiritus Diaboli > ========== ... ... > For Palladrus, say: Dei gratia nos vinces =============== ... ...