# Random's Amber Keep (138): 50-100, Random (Karandras: 10es) # # | # - o - # /| # X - o - o # | # o o - o - o o o # | / | / | x # o - o o / o o # | / | /| # o / o o /----------/ | # | / + + / | # o o + o + o o o + # | + /+ x | # RIP - o o+Leader-+---o o---+---o+o | # | x x | / | # | o o + o / o | o # | + / |x / + | + # | o o (comp)o o -+- o+o+o+o # | + | * # | o o + \--> Gandolf # | + | # | o + o - o + o---+---o # | + x / # | o o Sku.x # | + +/ # o + o + o Volt+o+Troll # | | + # | + Giant # | | # o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o # / # o # | # - X # River | # * Plenty of hidden doors and keys. * Different NPC:s with different IRV:s, but pure/light/fire is most common. Amber Keep: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special A traveller 8 60k G-x--- -- 157-157 200-200 [human], flees A merchant 10 110k G-x--- -- 201-205 400-400 [human], flees A journeyman 12 168k N-x--- -- 233-248 600-600 [human], flees A Medium Warhorse 15 360k N----- -- 288-294 0-0 [---], flees A pilgrim 15 360k G-x--- -- 302-319 1000-1000 [human], flees A Worker Ant 15 330k N----- GN 309-325 50-50 [insect], looter A bandit 16 528k E-xx-- -- 327-338 500-500 [human], flees, invis, hide, bash, kick, headbang A Soldier Ant 20 1000k N--x-- GNE 469-492 500-500 [insect] The Animated Cleric 25 2500k Nx-x-- -- 574-612 500-500 [undead], sitting, curse, blindness, harm, energy drain The Animated Mage 25 2500k Nx-x-- -- 614-666 500-500 [undead], sitting, haste, blur, lightning bolt, fireball, blindness, armor The Animated Warrior 25 2125k Nx-x-- -- 598-664 500-500 [undead], sitting, bash, kick, headbang A Heavy Warhorse 25 1875k N----- -- 596-600 0-0 [---], flees A Female Gnoll 30 3900k E--x-x -- 753-810 2000-2000 [lugroki], flees A Gnoll Guard 30 4800k E--x-x GNE 732-739 2000-2000 [lugroki], bash, kick, headbang The Queen Ant 30 4200k N--x-x -- 733-789 6000-6000 [insect] A War Dog 30 4050k E----- GN 676-691 0-0 [canine] A Worg 30 4050k E--x-- GNE 702-734 0-0 [canine] Gnoll Guard 35 3080k E----x -- 879-898 100-100 [lugroki], bash, kick, headbang, looter A Huge Gnoll 35 9100k Ex-x-x -- 871-894 2000-2000 [lugroki], bash, kick, headbang A Hyena 35 8750k N--x-- GNE 908-926 0-0 [canine] A Volt 40 20M E--x-x GNE 1257-1276 2500-2500 [magical] A Revenant 45 32M Nx-x-- -- 1634-1694 10000-10000 [undead], energy drain, flees, looter A Witch Doctor 45 30M Exxx-x -- 1735-1742 4500-4500 [lugroki], powerharm, powerheal, wither An Ogre 47 40M Ex-x-x GNE 1937-2013 10000-10000 [lugroki], bash, kick, headbang The Gnoll Chief 50 60M Ex-x-- GNE 2258-2286 15000-15000 [lugroki], bash, kick, headbang The Gnoll Leader 50 60M Ex-x-x GNE 2313-2346 14500-14500 [lugroki], bash, kick, headbang, berserk A Fire Giant 55 82M Ex-x GNE 3486-3540 0-0 [giant], bash, kick, headbang The Ogre Magi 55 88M Ex-xx GNE 3453-3576 36500-36500 [lugroki], energy drain, blindness, powerword blind, teleport, powerword pain, 1-2 spells per sound A Skulk 55 82M Ex-x x --- ~3.7k 0-0 [insubstantial], sitting, hide, sneak, flees A Two-Headed Troll 55 82M Ex-x GNE 3576-3646 0-0 [troll], bash, headbang Gandolf 99 4950M Gx-xxx2 1 --- 50874-51284 65916-66226 INFO, [elf], parry, area blindness, triad of fire, mass pain, area teleport, sleep, haste, blur, armor, 2-2 spells, 7-7 attacks, 188/69 dam per attack, negate sanc 9/90 times (10%) +3 DoS: 19 hits out of 34: 56% (hr 12+34+3=49) +3 DoS: 35 hits out of 43: 81% (hr 14+34+3=49) (Gandolf blind = +1hr) Gandolf (blind), 9 misses of 91 against ac 307 = 10%