# Cain's Spawns of Darkness (353, 355): 45-100, Cain (Slithering: 2wd2nw4ne2n2w, enter tree, 8d, drink well) * FIND OUT: A Black worm Level (51-56) hp, hp, gold, gold, [insect?] * FIND OUT: A Pink worm Level (51-56), xp, walk, di, agg, hp, hp, gold, gold, [insect?], vuln gas?, resist dark?, sneak?, 3-5 attacks? * FIND OUT: A White worm Level (51-56) hp, hp, gold, gold, [insect?] * FIND OUT: A Snail [insect?] * FIND OUT: A Mole sanced, xp, walk, di, hp, hp, gold, gold, type, irvs * FIND OUT: A Black rat walk, hp, hp, resist dark?, vuln pure?/light? * FIND OUT: An Ant worker xp, walk, agg, hp, hp, [insect?], vuln gas?, resist dark?, immune fire? * FIND OUT: An Ant Soldier xp, walk, hp, hp, [insect?], vuln gas?, resist dark? * FIND OUT: A Phase spider xp, walk, hp, hp, gold, gold, immune poison? * FIND OUT: A Poisonous Viper xp, di, hp, hp, gold, gold, [snake?], immune poison?, imp/invis, memory * FIND OUT: A Warp spider xp, walk, hp, hp, gold, gold, immune poison? * FIND OUT: A Black spider xp, walk, hp, hp, [spider?], vuln fire?, immune poison? * FIND OUT: Lurk xp, walk, hp, hp, type?, irvs? * FIND OUT: Olg xp, di, hp, hp, type?, irvs? * FIND OUT: Uma xp, hp, hp * FIND OUT: Szeess xp, hp, hp, type?, irvs? * FIND OUT: Tixin'erto xp, type?, irvs? * FIND OUT: MAP Tixi-part # # o - o ------------ o ------------ o -Uma X # | | | | | # o - o /-> out o o o # | / | | # o o <-\ o o # / | | | # / o - o - o -Olg- o - o - o o - o - o - o # \ | | | | # \->o o o o # / | | # a Lurk+o o # | | # o - o o o - o - o - o # | | | | # o o o - o o - o # | | | | # o - o - o o o - o o - o # | o - ? - o - o - o | | | # o /| | /| | /| o - o --------- o # + RIP o - ? - ? - - ? # o - o - o - o | /| | | | # | | o - o -Tix- ? - ? # o o o | | | | /| /-> Tix # | /| | o - ? - ? - ? - ? / # o - o-/-o - o /| | /| /| | RIP # x RIP o - o - o - o - ? | # / / / /| / In the web # o - o RIP RIP RIP| RIP | # | | In the web # o - o Szeess a | # | | v # o - o a # * Entrance from Enchanted Forest * The whole area is nosum/norecall * Area with Tixin'erto drains moves, and corpses quickly drop into DT:s. * Lurk is vuln pure/light. Olg is vuln fire if using plate. Uma is vuln fire. * RIP: Former deathtraps. Now they lead up to Tixi and south towards safety. Cain's Dark Spawn: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special A Black worm 51-56 45M E-xx GN [insect?], vuln gas, resist dark, imp/invis, sneak, 3-5 attacks A Pink worm 51-56 E- [insect?], vuln gas?, resist dark?, imp/invis A White worm 51-56 45M E-xx GN [insect?], vuln gas, resist dark, imp/invis, sneak, 3-5 attacks A Large bug 56 45M E-xx GNE 3837-3885 8878-10439 [insect], immune pierce, resist water, 3-5 attacks A Snail 56 45M E-xx x --- 3846-3895 9868-10655 [insect?], vuln gas, immune mental, resist pierce/poison/water, sneak, 4-5 attacks, looter A Mole 65 N --- [insect?], vuln gas?, resist dark? A Black rat 66 85M E- x 3 GNE 25091-25899 [rodent], resist dark?, vuln pure?/light?, dodge Obli Anni Vapo Pulv Atom WoJ: WEAPON PURE LIGHT avg 21 6 1 An Ant worker 68 E- x G 30044-30075 [insect?], vuln gas?, resist dark?, immune fire? Anni Vapo Pulv Atom Firebrand: SLASH FIRE avg 23 15 20 An Ant Soldier 85 E- x 1 GNE 241098-241741 INFO, [insect?], vuln gas?, resist dark?, immune fire, resist unlife if using "lapis lazuli encrusted platemail" Anni Vapo Pulv Atom Souls: PIERCE UNLIFE avg 26 3 42 A Phase spider 85 E- x N INFO, [spider], immune poison?, imp A Poisonous Viper 85 E-x --- [snake?], immune poison?, imp/invis A Warp spider 85 E- x N INFO, [spider], immune poison?, imp A Black spider 90 E- x 2 GNE 244527-247151 [spider?], vuln fire?, immune poison?, dodge +8 Firebrand: 16 hits out of 16:100% (hr 12+34+8=54) Obli Anni Vapo Pulv Atom Firebrand: SLASH FIRE avg 23 55 70 Lurk 95 Ex x 2 1 G-- 2009446-2012132 INFO, [???], vuln pure/light, dodge, earthquake, 1-1 spell, >=5 attacks, 380/67 dam per attack, negate sanc 2/7 times (29%) +3 WoJ: 18 hits out of 19: 95% (hr 12+34+3=49) Obli Anni Vapo Pulv Atom Ultr WoJ: WEAPON PURE LIGHT avg 21 17 1 Olg 95 Nxx 2 1 --- 2010705-2013022 INFO, [???], vuln fire if using "plate of the seventh star", immune dark, dodge, area feeblemind, earthquake, powerheal, 1-1 spell +3 deathbr.: 4 hits out of 41: 10% (hr 12+34+3=49) Obli Anni Vapo Pulv Atom Deathbr: CRUSH SLAY Human avg 25 1 3 Uma 95 N-xx x 1 --- 3000152-3000161 INFO, [human], vuln fire, resist dark if using "Cloak of the seventh star", area powerword blind, powerword kill, deathspell, wither, earthquake, hell storm, shrugger, 8-9 attacks Szeess 100 E--x 2 GNE 3004428-3009668 INFO, [???], parry, imp, shrugger, immune dark, area wither, earthquake, powerword blind, 1-1 spell +8 firebrand: 13 hits out of 25: 52% (hr 11+34+8=53) +8 whip: 10 hits out of 20: 50% (hr 11+34+8=53) Anni Vapo Pulv Atom Plain: WEAPON avg 22 20 Crush: CRUSH ? Slash: SLASH ? Pierce: PIERCE ? Gas: CRUSH LARGE GAS SlayMyth avg 26 immune (21 misses) Firebrand: SLASH FIRE avg 23 12 1 Tixin'erto 100 Ex-x 3 1 GN ~50k 5001398-5002223 INFO, [???], resist fire, imp, area powerword blind, area sleep, hell storm, area wither, 1-2 spells, 7-? attacks, shrugger +8 something: 13 hits out of 96: 14% (hr 10+34+8=52) +3 deathbr.: 9 hits out of 101: 9% (hr 12+34+3=49) Anni Vapo Pulv Plain: WEAPON avg 22 13 Deathbr: CRUSH SLAY Human avg 25 5 4 hf: 57/417 (resist)