# Merc halls (?): ?-?, ? (Different places) * FIND OUT: Lilith, the shadowblade 74-75 * FIND OUT: Devrel, the guardian 94-95 * FIND OUT: Lots more! # * Kindred of the Dark: * ==================== # # o # /| # TrR o # | # o - o - o - o -bar- o # | | | # o - F - o o # | | | /| # o - o - o o | # | / | # | o o # | ___/ | # |/ | # o | # | # [Sundhaven] - o *-> o - o # Merc KoD: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special A tamed great shadow dragon 100 N- --- no-attack, special-block-north * Suicide Squad: * ============== # # TrV o # | | # ItemS - o - o # | | # G Pub # | # [Kerofk] # Merc SS: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special The Suicide Squad Guardian 1 E- --- no-attack, special-block-north, room is noflee/norecall * Coalition of Sin: * ================= # # | # [Desert] - G # Merc CoS: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special A maid is here rigorously scrubbing the floor. A maid 1 N-x A black robed monk 100 E-x The Unholy Guardian of Sin 100 E-- nofight-room, special-block-north * Generation Zero: * ================ # # | # G # / # o - [Sundhaven] # Merc GZ: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special Alshir 99 N-- --- no-attack, special-block-north * Paragons of Valour: * =================== # # o # | # [Kerofk] o - o # | | | | # o - o - o - o -- o - o # | # o # / # o # * Whole area is NOT very bright # Merc PoV: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special Teshinar, the Keeper 1 N- --- no-attack Tirana, Matron of Paragons of Valour 1 N- --- no-attack Yukor, the Sentinel of the Gates 90 1080M N--xx- -- 32004-32005 8790-8840 [human], 6-6 attacks, room is noflee but recallable * Final Sanction: * =============== # # [Ofcol] # | # o # | # G # + # o - o - o TrV # | | | | # o - o - o - o + o + o # | | | | # o - o - o o # Merc FS: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special Lilith, the shadowblade 74-75 N-- nofight-room Alain, the blademaster 80 N-- nofight-room Devrel, the guardian 94-95 Nx-x x - ~45k [human], immune blind (not dark), shrugger, 4-6 attacks, special-instakill, special-open/close-gate, special-block-south? * Shadowy Conquerors: * =================== # # [Kerofk] # / # o # / # o # / # G - # Merc SC: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special The gathered shadows 70 N-- --- nofight-room, special-block-east * The Trocade: * ============ # # [Sundhaven] # x # o # + # o # | # o -- o -- o -- o -- o # / / # / o / # / | / # / o o + o / # / + | / # o ----- o - o - o - o # + | # o # / # o # * Whole area is nomag/nofight # Merc Tro: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special A hooded thief 1 E-x A large rat 4 N-x A female servant 70 E-- A black hooded clerk 100 E-- A hooded humanoid 100 N-- The receptionist 100 E-- * Blades of Torment: * ================== # # # | # o - o - o # /| # / o # # * Red Hand: * ========= # * Gangsters of Domination: * ======================== # * Clandestine: * ============ # * Storm Walkers: * ============== # * Dragon Riders: * ============== # * Titans: * ======= # * Clearly Outplayed: * ================== # * GODS: * ===== #