# Nefertum's Ragnarok (452): 50-100, Nefertum (Karandras: 10wn3wswswn12ws2w2sws3wnwn5u10nd) * FIND OUT: Try slay human on Viking * magic/energyonly on giant warrior, * crush/pierce on fire/frost giant, * crush/slay giant on Berserker * unlife/iron/slay human on Valkyrie # # o-o-o-o-o-o-o # | | | | | | | # o-o-o-o-o-o-o # | | | | | | | # o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o b b o-o # | | | | | | | | | | | | | o # o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-b o-o /| # | | | | | | | | | | / o # o-o-o o-o-o-o-o | o-o-o-o-o-b + / | # | | | | | | | | | | | |/ o # o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o-o U U---o-o-o-o-b D X D | # | | | | | | | | | | | | | o # o-o-o-o o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-b o-o-o | # | | | | | | | | | | | | | | o # o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o-o---U U o-o-o-o-b D D | # | | | | | | | | | | | | | o # o-o-o o-o o-o-o o-o o-o-o-o-o | o-o-o-o-o-b | # | | | | | | | | | | | | | | o # o-o o-o-o A o-o o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-b | # | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | o # o-o-o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o b b | # | | | | | | | | | | | o # o-o o-o o-o-o-o o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o | # | | | | | | | | | | | o # o o-o-o o o-o o-o o o-o-o-o-o-o-o |/ # | | | | | | | | | | | | | o # o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o---o / # | | | | | | | \ | # o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o # | | | | | | | | | | | # o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o # O | | | | | | | | | | | # o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o # | | | | | | | | | | | # o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o # | | | | | | | | | | | # o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o # | | | | | | | | | # o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o * b: Back to the same room * A: Angerboda * O: Odin's Vikings Rooms. Contains 16 vikings for Odin to summon. * NOTE: Contingency doesn't work (never even tries to kick in) when fighting * Frost/fire giant, Berserker, Heimdall or Angerboda. Works for Giant Warrior, * Odin and Thor. * Wolves are vuln mental, but resist dark (so not Nemesis) Ragnarok: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special A small grey wolf 40 16M N-xx-- G 1711-1722 1-1 vuln mental, resist dark, summoned A small red wolf 40 16M N-xx-- G 1703-1726 1-1 vuln mental, resist dark, summoned A small white wolf 40 16M N-xx-- G 1729-1749 1-1 vuln mental, resist dark, summoned A sleepy warg 75 338M N-xxx- --- 15485-15624 23-23 vuln mental, resist dark/fire, special-bite A Viking 75 488M G-xxx 1 GN 11435-11481 23-23 vuln dark/bleed, resist pure/light/silver, summoned, bash, kick, headbang A bloodthirsty Warg 80 1201M N-xxx- --- 27008-27360 23-23 vuln mental, resist dark/fire, random-delayed-agg-all, special-bite, kick, haste (probably just an emote) A hungry warg 80 1160M N-xxx- --- 23550-23709 23-23 vuln mental, resist dark/fire, special-bite The Fenril Wolf 90 Ex 2 --- 1 INFO, vuln mental?, resist dark, vampiric mist, ritual of pain, 2-4 spells obli anni vapo pulv atom ultr ULTR CRUSH MENTAL avg 21 30 1 A Viking 90 G-x 2 --- 43-50 [human], vuln dark/bleed, resist pure, dodge, not summoned, poor ac > -51 A Giant Warrior 90 E- x 1 GNE 23-23 [giant], vuln magic?/energy?, resist pure, dodge, AC -51 or worse +3 weapons: 258 hits out of 272: 95% (hr 12+34+3=49) obli anni vapo pulv atom ultr ULTR hf: normal WEAPON avg 21 XX slash/pierce avg 24 65 49 PIERCE avg 25 14 68 1 CRUSH avg 24 65 23 MAGIC ENERGY avg 22.5 18 SLASH SLAY Human avg 22.5 4 35 17 1 1 1 CRUSH SLAY Human avg 25 45 14 PURE SLAY Giant avg 22.5 70 2 SLASH FIRE avg 23 27 27 DARK avg 23 32 41 SLASH BLEED avg 22 19 30 SLASH LARGE SLARGE avg 22 33 PIERCE POISON avg 25 1 21 11 1 PIERCE UNLIFE avg 26 23 PIERCE IRON avg 20 20 A Fire Giant 94 E- 3 --- 23-23 [giant], vuln WEAPON/ice/pierce?, immune fire, resist large?/superarge?, dodge, pulsing-areadamage +8 slash: 11 hits out of 11:100% (hr 11+34+8=53) +8 crush: 49 hits out of 51: 96% (hr 12+34+8=54) +8 crush: 29 hits out of 30: 97% (hr 12+34+8=54) +8 crush: 28 hits out of 29: 97% (hr 12+34+8=54) +8 pierce: 26 hits out of 29: 90% (hr 12+34+8=54) +3 Stiletto: 8 hits out of 9: 89% (hr 12+34+3=49) +3 DoS: 14 hits out of 16: 88% (hr 12+34+3=49) +3 Stiletto: 4 hits out of 4:100% (hr 12+34+3=49) +3 DoS: 6 hits out of 7: 86% (hr 12+34+3=49) +3 scimitar: 24 hits out of 25: 96% (hr 12+34+3=49) obli anni vapo pulv atom ultr ULTR WEAPON avg 22 XX SLASH avg 24 9 2 CRUSH avg 24 1 55 45 2 1 2 PIERCE avg 25 3 22 1 MAGIC ENERGY avg 22.5 1 SLASH SLAY Human avg 22.5 1 12 6 2 CRUSH SLAY Human avg 25 8 9 CRUSH ICE avg 24 13 9 PIERCE POISON avg 25 7 5 PIERCE UNLIFE avg 26 3 16 1 SLASH BLEED avg 22 17 7 slay giant ? A Frost Giant 94 E-x 3 --- 23-23 [giant], vuln WEAPON/fire/pierce?, immune ice?, dodge, pulsing-areadamage +8 firebrand: 17 hits out of 19: 89% (hr 11+34+8=53) +8 firebrand: 13 hits out of 13:100% (hr 11+34+8=53) +8 crush: 12 hits out of 12:100% (hr 12+34+8=54) +8 crush: 34 hits out of 36: 94% (hr 12+34+8=54) +8 iron: 7 hits out of 8: 88% (hr 12+34+8=54) +8 iron: 8 hits out of 8:100% (hr 12+34+8=54) +8 firebrand: 4 hits out of 5: 80% (hr 12+34+8=54) +8 pierce: 22 hits out of 23: 96% (hr 12+34+8=54) +3 M-T's axe: 9 hits out of 9:100% (hr 12+34+3=49) +3 Stiletto: 9 hits out of 9:100% (hr 12+34+3=49) +3 Gungner: 10 hits out of 11: 91% (hr 12+34+3=49) +3 scimitar 45 hits out of 48: 94% (hr 12+34+3=49) obli anni vapo pulv atom ultr ULTR WEAPON avg 22 XX SLASH avg 24 11 1 CRUSH avg 24 1 32 10 2 1 PIERCE avg 25 5 17 SLASH SLAY Human avg 22.5 4 3 MAGIC ENERGY avg 22.5 1 WEAPON PURE SLAY Giant avg 22.5 13 1 SLASH FIRE avg 23 39 7 1 SLASH LARGE SLARGE avg 22 5 4 PIERCE POISON avg 25 5 4 PIERCE IRON avg 20 13 2 SLASH BLEED avg 22 24 15 4 1 1 A Berserker 94 G-xx 5 NE 23-23 [???], vuln WEAPON/fire, resist pure, dodge, AC -51 or worse +3 weapons: 93 hits out of 96: 97% (hr 12+34+3=49) obli anni vapo pulv atom ultr ULTR hf: VULN! WEAPON avg 22 XX SLASH avg 24 37 18 1 1 CRUSH avg 24 27 27 1 PIERCE avg 25 13 30 1 MAGIC ENERGY avg 22.5 10 4 1 CRUSH MAGIC avg 24 2 1 SLASH SLAY Human avg 22.5 1 6 1 CRUSH SLAY Human avg 25 1 26 37 1 WEAPON PURE SLAY Giant avg 22.5 20 3 1 PIERCE IRON avg 20 7 1 SLASH BLEED avg 22 23 3 A Valkyrie 94 Gxx 4 --- 23-23 [human?], vuln dark/bleed, resist pure/light, dodge, AC -51 or worse +3 weapons: 197 hits out of 204: 97% (hr 12+34+3=49) obli anni vapo pulv atom ultr ULTR WEAPON avg 22 8 SLASH avg 24 33 12 1 1 CRUSH avg 24 57 38 PIERCE avg 25 13 16 MAGIC SLAY Dwarf avg 21.5 4 1 PURE LIGHT avg 21 4 5 DARK avg 23 47 2 SLASH FIRE avg 23 94 26 PIERCE POISON avg 25 9 11 PIERCE UNLIFE avg 26 1 1 28 27 WEAPON PURE SLAY Giant avg 22.5 17 PIERCE IRON avg 20 21 1 CRUSH SLAY Human avg 25 8 19 SLASH BLEED avg 22 60 16 Angerboda 95 2470M Ex-x 0 G E 49011-53925 23 INFO, [mythical? (not human/giant/magical)], vuln weapon/magic/unlife?, resist crush/large/superlarge/poison, bash, summon small white wolf, summon small grey wolf, small red wolf, 5-7 attacks, 24505-26963 hp withered, either vuln unlife or less hitpoints than noted. Sleipner 95 N- 2 1 INFO, [animal?], vuln mental?/gas?, resist earth, dodge, powerheal, (area?)harm, area confusion, mass pain, area hell fire, 1-1 spell, special-hit-on-everyone +8 Avalanche: 4 hits out of 5: 80% (hr 12+34+8=54) +3 Stiletto: 27 hits out of 29: 93% (hr 12+34+3=49) obli anni vapo pulv atom ultr ULTR CRUSH EARTH avg 22 4 PIERCE POISON avg 25 2 10 15 Heimdal, the Guardian of Bifrost 99 N-x --- immune dark, trueheal, area powerblind, hellstorm, mass pain, dancing blades, whirlwind Odin 100 Gxx --- 1407285-1426492 INFO, [mythical?], resist fire/ice?/unlife?/earth?/air?, entropy, powerword kill, area wither, (area?)(power?)blind, 1-2 spells, summon viking (not if blind?), special-munin-backstab(?) Thor 100 16B x 2 --- INFO, [mythical?], resist fire/ice/unlife?/earth?/air?, trueheal, dodge, area powerblind, area spell_attack (1-4 attacks), special-hammer-headhit, 7-? attacks, 400/70 dam per attack, negate sanc 12/37 times (32%), has around 180k hp when withered +3 Gungner: 25 hits out of 25:100% (hr 12+34+3=49) obli anni vapo pulv atom ultr ULTR WEAPON PURE SLAY Giant avg 22.5 18 7 hf: 449