# The Underdark (84): 40-100, Silence (Underdark: -) * FIND OUT: Eyed - are they [magical]? # # o-o-o-o-o-W-Y-R-M-o-o-S-T-R-E-E-T-o-o-o o+o -R- # | jade dwell. |gemst| warehouse | demon | / # o o-o-o-o-o U o-o M o+o o o o-o-o+o o clan o+o o # | + | | | | | | | + + | | | | | # o o-o o o+o+o B o-o O+o-o-o-o o+o o-o o o-o o+o WORMS-o-2+ # | | | + | | + | | + | | + | | | | | / # o o-o o o+o+o Y-o-o-O o+o o o-o+o o o S o+o-o o+o Darkunder # | | | | + + | | | # o-S-U-N-S-o-o-o o-o N o o-o-o-o o+o U o-o-o---o+o # + + + + | Bodak | | | | | | | | + | + Sewers # o o o o E o+o+o o-o L-o-D-I-A-o-o-N-D-N o-o o /-o-o / # | | + + |whore| trav. den | | | | | | o # T o+o-o o o I o-o o o o-o o R o-o o o---o / # | | + + | | | | | + | | + | + o # o o+o o-o o G o-o o o-o-o+o-o I UD..../ # | | | | + | | + + + + | / # o o o o o-o-o-o-o H o+o o o o o o o S o # + + + + | + | + | + | / # o-o-o-5-L-A-V-E-R-S-o-o-R-O-U-T-E-o-o-E+X # + + + | | market | | prison + | # o o o o-o o-o-o-o o-o o-o-o-o-o+o o # | | + + | | + + + | | # o o o o-o o-o-o-9-o-o o o o o+o+o o-o-o T----E # + + + | | | | | | | +cages | | # ----> X-S-T-o-O-F-o-T-H-E-o--G--O o+o+o S o+o T N # | | | | | | | | shad. D | | + | | # o-o-S B J A W M o o o+o-o S+o-o-o+U o-o O o o # | | | | | | | + + + | | | | # o+o U SHOPS A o-o-o-o o o o o N-o-o-F-O-R-G o | # | | | | | + o # o+o N-R-O-A-D-o-Z-#-o-S-H-A-D-O-o-R Eurandus+o-o | # Drow | | | + | | | | o # City o+o S U o o+o+o o o o I-o--o-o--o o+o-o | # / | + | + + + | | | | # -o-2-+-T-R-A-V-E-L-L R+o-o-o-o-o-o+o S o o o o A o+o+o- # / | | | + | + | | + + + + | | # Dark- o o o o Bar E I o o+o o-o o+o E o-o-o-o L o # under | + + + | | | | | | |ass|guild| | # C o-o-o+Q-o R | o+o+o o-o o+o o | o-o+L-E-Y-o--o # | + + + | | | T | o | # R o o o o-o+S | thieves guild o | o o o o # | | | | | | + + + # E-S-C-E-N-T-o E-o-D-E-A-T-H-S-o o-o+o-o-o+o-o # | + + + + | | # L-A-N-E o o o o-o # | # o * 5: going north takes you east * 9: going south takes you southwest * #: 4 nasty mobs * : The left one is a normal room if you come from the south. If you go * from the north, it is instead the room in the southeast you will get to. * WORMS: Standing here will summon worms to hunt you (they walk n-u, and if * nobody there, they return back to their hideout again) * 2: Standing here did summon worms to hunt you (once here they'll just stay * here and wait). That special seems to have been removed. * Many aggressive, unavoidable, walking eyes. Vuln unlife. Underdark: Lvl Xp ASWIDMX # agg Hp Gold Special The zombie 5 14k E- --- 108-109 0-0 [undead?], immune unlife/dark, summoned The servant 10 110k N-x--- - 192-195 11-11 [human] The spectre 10 100k E-x--- - 191-197 1-1 vuln energy, immune unlife, resist WEAPON, summoned A granter of pleasure 11 132k N-x--- - 211-217 101-101 [human] The duergar patron 11 132k E-x--- - 225-229 101-101 [dwarf?], vuln water, sitting The female human slave 11 132k N----- - 216-229 1-1 [human] The half-orc 11 132k E----- - 215-229 101-101 vuln pure/light, sitting The skeleton warrior 12 168k E-xxx- GNE 175-186 4-15 [skeleton], summoned The svirfneblin patron 12 156k E----- - 244-250 101-101 sitting The worker of the night 12 156k N-x--- - 236-242 101-101 [human] A maid of passion 13 182k N-x--- - 263-272 1001-1001 [human] The drow patron 13 182k E----- - 261-267 101-101 [drow-elf], vuln pure?/light?, resist dark?/unlife?/magic?, sitting The halfling patron 13 182k E----- - 251-266 101-101 sitting The narauk 13 247k E-xxxx GN 162-171 323-894 [demon], summoned The serving wench 13 182k N----- - 253-266 101-101 [human] A preferred customer 14 210k N-x--- - 275-285 1001-1001 [human] The human patron 14 210k N-x--- - 280-287 101-101 [human], sitting The wraith 15 225k E-x--- G 300-300 1-1 vuln energy, immune unlife, resist WEAPON, summoned The goblin slave 16 304k N----- - 332-333 1-1 The pimp 16 304k E----- - 329-332 10001-10001 [human], sitting The svirfneblin dignitary 16 304k E-x--- - 335-340 1001-1001 The caretaker 17 357k E----- - 356-358 101-101 The svirfneblin (hatred) 17 357k E-x--- - 353-368 101-101 The orc slave 18 414k N----- - 381-391 1-1 vuln pure/light/fire, resist poison/ice/dark The prisoner 18 414k E----- - 394-395 1-1 [human] A male human slave 19 475k N----- - 424-430 1-1 [human] The huge rat 19 475k N-x--- - 416-427 1-1 vuln gas The kobold 20 600k N----- - 437-448 1-1 Shillikif 22 858k E----- - 434-436 1001-1001 [drow-elf], resist magic?, sitting, backstab The elven slave 24 1200k N----- - 560-568 1-1 vuln unlife/dark/iron, resist pure/light/magic The lizard man 24 1176k E-xx-- - 724-728 101-101 Anmictes 25 851k E----- - 692-709 1001-1001 vuln large/superlarge, resist mental, sitting, backstab Emba 25 1525k E----- - 751-770 1001-1001 vuln water/large/superlarge, resist fire, sitting, bash, kick, headbang The drow trader 25 475k E-xxx- GNE 621-623 501-501 [drow-elf?], vuln ice?, resist unlife?/magic? The footpad 25 1225k E-x--- - 528-530 101-101 [human] The dwarven slave 26 1820k N----- - 616-619 1-1 vuln water/superlarge, resist fire The gremlin 26 1586k E-x--- - 351-364 101-101 vuln unlife The demon clan member 27 1647k E-xxx- GN 566-570 1001-1001 [human] The floating eye 27 1674k E-xxx- GNE 791-796 51-51 [magical?], vuln unlife, resist magic/energy The cutpurse 28 1988k E-x--- - 661-665 1001-1001 flees Snaromba 29 3451k E--xx- - 630-634 1001-1001 vuln large/superlarge, resist mental, magic missile, lightning bolt, burning hands, blindness The svirfneblin (warily) 29 2755k E-x--- - 614-625 1001-1001 The celebdel 30 5400k E-xxxx GN 792-842 21755-26211 [demon], summoned, fireball, heal, colour spray, blindness, lightning bolt, curse The filcher 30 2700k E-xxx- - 687-697 1001-1001 flees The bravo 30 3450k E-xxx- GNE 836-838 1001-1001 The slime creature 30 3000k N-x--- - 841-845 1-1 resist WEAPON A demon clan mage 31 4185k E--xx- GN 689-691 1001-1001 [human], colour spray, fireball, lightning bolt The rogue 32 4000k E-xx-- - 718-718 1001-1001 [human], flees A demon clan fighter 33 5775k E--xx- GN 1029-1053 1001-1001 [human], bash, kick, headbang The duergar 33 6600k E-xxx- GNE 1088-1095 1001-1001 [dwarf?], vuln water The jermlaine 33 4620k E-x--- - 799-812 101-101 vuln unlife, sitting The jinxkin 33 4620k E-x--- - 801-823 101-101 The murderer 33 5115k E-xxx- GN 966-968 1001-1001 vuln pure/light, resist dark The sharper 34 4930k E--xx- GN 973-977 1001-1001 vuln pure/light, resist dark The hezron 35 7000k E-x--- G 794-802 10001-10001 vuln pure/light/iron, immune fire, resist unlife/dark/poison, hell fire, mass pain, cloudkill, summon skeleton warrior, summon narauk, summon celebdel A slaver buyer 35 5075k E-x--- - 1045-1048 1001-1001 [human] Antryg 35 7000k N----- - 1110-1119 501-501 [human], sitting, colour spray, lightning bolt, fireball Caris 35 7000k N----- - 1106-1114 501-501 [human], sitting, bash, kick, headbang The slave trader 35 5075k E-x--- - 1034-1048 1001-1001 [human] An eye of fear and flame 36 6480k E-xxx- GNE 789-797 101-101 [magical?], vuln unlife, fire breath, can VAPE eq! Hangharid 36 6120k E----- - 1262-1268 10001-10001 vuln large/superlarge, sitting, bash, kick, headbang The eye killer 36 1800k E-xxx- GNE 869-879 1-1 irvs? The magsman 36 6600k E--x-- - 1038-1051 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist dark, sitting The thug 36 7200k E-xxx- GNE 1103-1123 1001-1001 vuln pure/light, resist dark Endolar 37 8251k E----- - 918-927 10001-10001 [drow-elf], sitting, backstab The demon summoner 37 7363k E--- - - 1048-1057 1001-1001 vuln pure/light, immune blind, resist unlife/dark, cure critic, chill touch, blindness, curse, shocking grasp, energy drain, feeblemind, summon spectre, summon zombie, summon wraith, 2-2 spells, no-charm The revenant 37 7030k E-x--- - 1003-1013 101-101 [undead?], vuln pure/light/silver/heal, immune unlife/dark, resist earth/water/air/mental, save 10 Lord Rygar 38 9120k E----- - 1586-1595 10001-10001 [human], sitting, bash, headbang Sifrim 38 7600k E----- - 997-1011 10001-10001 [drow-elf], sitting, blindness, heal, curse The killer 38 8474k E-xxx- GN 1134-1145 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist dark The master thief 38 2280k E--xx GN 1186-1193 10001-10001 [human], sitting Cedrena 39 10M E----- - 1306-1306 10001-10001 [human], sitting, bash, kick, headbang Orak 39 7683k E----- - 916-936 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist dark, sitting, backstab, NOT vuln fire/slay orc The imp 39 12M E-xx-- - 1211-1211 101-101 vuln unlife, invis Thespan 39 12M E----- - 1618-1620 10001-10001 [drow-elf], resist dark?/unlife?/magic?, sitting, bash, kick, headbang Sabrakarn 40 8400k E----- - 836-840 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist dark, sitting, lightning bolt, colour spray, fireball Satori 40 E-- - ? ? shopkeeper The assassin 40 12M E-xxx- GN 1288-1292 10001-10001 [human] Wismarel 41 11M E----- - 1631-1641 10001-10001 vuln water/superlarge, bash, kick, headbang, berserk Methuen 43 14M E----- - 1047-1059 10001-10001 [human], colour spray, fireball, lightning bolt Prax 43 15M E--xx- - 1092-1101 10001-10001 [drow-elf], resist dark?/unlife?/magic?, sitting, lightning bolt, fireball, colour spray The expert assassin 44 17M E-xxx- GN 1348-1359 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist unlife/dark Geg 45 21M E----- - 1535-1569 1001-1001 vuln large/superlarge, resist earth/mental, sitting, meteor swarm, meteor blast, fireball, colour spray Jarre 45 14M E----- - 1943-1960 1001-1001 vuln light, resist dark, sitting, bash, kick, headbang The cambion (watching) 45 29M E-xxx- GN 1535-1544 1001-1001 vuln pure/light/iron, immune fire, resist unlife/dark/poison, cloudkill, hell fire, hell storm, blindness, teleport, mass pain, summon skeleton warrior, summon narauk, summon celebdel Jiestis 49 N-- - shopkeeper Gulthac 46 20M E-x--- - 1669-1678 10001-10001 vuln water/magic/superlarge, resist fire/earth/poison, bash, kick, headbang The senior assassin 46 18M E-xxx GN 1413-1420 10001-10001 [human] Drevlin 47 21M E----- - 1063-1084 1001-1001 [drow-elf], sitting, bash, kick, headbang Limbeck 48 24M E----- - 1855-1858 1001-1001 vuln water, resist fire, sitting, bash, kick, headbang, berserk Raesarnt 50 N-- - ? ? shopkeeper The Bar Tender 50 N-- - ? ? shopkeeper The Barkeep 50 N-- - ? ? shopkeeper The beholder's underling 50 42M E-xxx- GN 2487-2513 1001-1001 [human] The enforcer eye 50 40M N-xxx- GNE 2507-2526 101-101 [magical?], vuln unlife, resist magic/energy The inn keep 50 N-- - ? ? shopkeeper The inn keeper 50 N-- - ? ? shopkeeper The prime assassin 50 29M E-xxx- G 2001-2001 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist unlife/dark Yie'Stei 50 N-- - ? ? shopkeeper Zae'tres 50 N-- - ? ? shopkeeper The mage 52 35M E--x GN ~2150-~2153 2001-2001 vuln pure/light/heal, immune unlife/dark, colour spray, meteor swarm, meteor blast, fireball A noble cambion (stares) 53 69M E-xxx- GN 2888-2892 10001-10001 vuln pure/light/iron, immune fire, resist unlife/dark/poison, cloudkill, hell fire, hell storm, blindness, teleport, mass pain, summon skeleton warrior, summon narauk, summon celebdel The dretch 54 59M E-xx - - 2658-2677 1001-1001 vuln pure/light, resist unlife/dark Irmugar 55 43M Ex-x - - 3062-3072 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist unlife/dark, confusion, harm, meteor swarm, meteor blast, powerheal, fireball, colour spray Meliadus 55 51M Ex-x G 2283-2290 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist unlife/dark, sitting, meteor blast, meteor swarm, fireball, powerword pain, mass pain The babau 55 56M E-xx GN 10001-10001 vuln pure/light/iron, immune fire, resist unlife/dark/poison, cloudkill, hell fire, hell storm, blindness, teleport, mass pain, summon skeleton warrior, summon narauk, summon celebdel The stone golem 56 66M N--x - - 3230-3240 1-1 resist unlife/fire/ice/air/earth The behir 57 79M E--x GN 3158-3160 1-1 [dragon], lightning breath The darken beast 58 72M E-xx - - 3520-3541 1-1 vuln unlife The gibbering mouther 59 77M E-xx GN 4343-4353 1-1 [jelly] The iron golem 60 84M N--x - - 5278-5313 1-1 resist unlife/fire/ice/air/earth The trainer (assassin) 60 78M N--x GN 4015-4028 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist unlife/dark The head thief 61 107M E--x GN 4740-4755 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist dark/unlife, backstab The skyzorr'n 62 102M E-xx - - 4581-4608 1001-1001 vuln gas The xaren 62 65M E--x - - 4827-4834 101-101 [elemental] The cloaker 63 57M E--x - - 3820-3848 101-101 vuln unlife The grell 63 126M Exxx GN 2675-2692 1-1 vuln unlife The great enforcing eye 64 128M N--x GN 3488-3496 10001-10001 [magical?], vuln unlife, shrugger, confusion, powerword kill, powerharm, special-blind Itreres 65 92M E--x - - 6501-6502 10001-10001 [human], sitting, bash, kick, headbang, berserk The trainer (thief) 65 117M N--x GN 6984-7005 10001-10001 [human] The beholder legionnaire 65 130M E-xx GN 5658-5662 1001-1001 [---], bash, kick, headbang, berserk The fighter 65 114M E--x GN 6510-6519 10001-10001 [human], bash, kick, headbang A high priest of Xevior 66 132M Ex-x GN 5439-5487 10001-10001 [human], summon zombie, summon wraith, curse, energy drain, chill touch, cure critic, feeblemind, shocking grasp, blindness, 2-2 spells The necromancer 66 132M E--x - - 5465-5500 10001-10001 vuln pure/light, resist unlife/dark, shrugger, summon spectre, summon zombie, summon wraith, curse, feeblemind, blindness, chill touch, cure critic, shocking grasp, 2-2 spells The guildmaster 67 134M E-xx G 5664-5692 10001-10001 [human], backstab The bodak 68 136M Ex-x - - 1001-1001 vuln pure/light/iron, immune fire, resist unlife/dark/poison, cloudkill, hell fire, hell storm, blindness, teleport, mass pain, summon skeleton warrior, summon narauk, summon celebdel The platinum golem 70 262M Nx-x - - 8740-8745 1-1 resist unlife/fire/ice/air/earth The purple worm 71 165M?E--x 1 GN 9521-9550 30279-30350 [snake], vuln electricity, resist fire The supreme attendant 71 319M E--x GN 10001-10001 blindness, harm, meteor blast, meteor swarm, powerword pain, mass pain, powerheal, confusion, wither, fireball The Keeper 75 172M Nx-x - - 7902-7932 10001-10001 [human] The Slave Dealer 75 412M G--x - - 14012-14019 10001-10001 vuln pure/light/fire/superlarge, resist ice/poison/dark The beholder 76 380M Exxx x --- 14927-14934 65536-65536 vuln unlife, shrugger, powerword blind, energy drain, powerword pain, powerword kill, fireball, poison, 1-2 spells The huge beholder 76 418M Nx-x x - 14992-15020 65536-65536 vuln unlife, shrugger, confusion, powerword kill, powerharm, blindness, energy drain, wither, fireball, mana drain, feeblemind, 1-2 spells Eurandus 80 1280M Ex-x x -- 20768-20773 65536-65536 [human], meteor swarm, meteor blast, mass pain, powerword pain, fireball The huge purple worm 90 2700M?E-xx 10 GN 50952 74053-81121 [snake], vuln electricity, resist fire, hunt, gas breath (49), earthquake (63) Salik the covert assassin 100 0 Nx-x -0 - 50001-50001 7-9 INFO, questmaster, [orc], 1-1 attacks, cake The cloaked Ghast 100 640M E--x - - 9942-10080 65809-65847 INFO, [human], vuln fire, resist pure/light/ice, imp, not seen on "where", sometimes found in Ghenna