NOTE: This is merely a draft. The triggers listed are probably correct, but many triggers are missing. If anyone is interested in completing this file, feel free to just take the material here and do with it as you please. This is a list of triggers that you are expected to have. Some are for your own convenience but most are for interactions with other players (normally commands from your group leader). You can do without them, of course, but if you lack them and are in a group, stay AK or the leader may get frustrated. Having these triggers is not an excuse for afk:ing but will give you a chance to take shorter breaks without messing up the group. Built like this: Key: The text you should have a trigger for. should be substituted with the name of the leader. If you like, you can instead allow anyone in the group (or any player at all) to (ab)use the trigger, but that is not not nessecary. means a player name (containing only letters. No spaces or special chars) means a name that can have spaces (which means it will trigger on both player- and mob names) Action: What you are supposed to do when the above key appears. Note: Good-to-know stuff about this trigger Crap: Variants of the same command. Good to know about but ought to be avoided (by both leaders and followers) to force people into using a standard. Still, good leaders often use several different commands to make sure all the followers "work". And good followers often have triggers for these variants, so they will function even under leaders who use these other commands. First, a few non-trigger things that may be good to know: ========================================================= * ALWAYS CARRY A BOAT! Yeye, you have flight spell, so you don't need one? EVERY time you lose the flight spell there's a risk... ...the leader moves through water before you manage to recast the spell are out of mana are in a nomagic room lose your concentration mess up in some other way Plus, having a boat in the top of your inventory can also be a good safety precaution. Inventory vapers always vape the top item in your inventory. Better to lose a boat than your bag of extra equipment. * ALWAYS bring some recall potions/herbs! Yes, you may have 3 spells of recalling, but what if you are out of mana? What if you are confused? If you die because you didn't have enough recall herbs you'll only have yourself to blame. But if the group has to keep summoning you back to town, everyone will suffer. And then, when you die, you will go to hell. * 55+ in the title means you may join if you are lvl 55 or higher. * DTFF in a title means "Don't Tell, Find & Follow". Don't bother the leader - just find him and follow. * If leader has "closed" in his title, he probably doesn't want you to join. At the very least, ask him before following. * A name in the title is probably a pointer to the priest assigned for summons. If you have no means of your own to get to the leader, try telling that person "summon" * "NC"/"OC" in title says which continent the group is on. * "UW" in title means group is in UnderWorld. You can't get summoned into that place. Standard triggers: ================== Key: tells the group, 'recall' Key: issues the order 'recall'. Action: recall (by whatever means you like) Note: You do not want to recall by the normal "recall" command. It doesn't work in combat and costs half your moves. Íf you use a spell, either make a trigger that recasts your recall spell on lostcon, or just cast the spell twice (if it succeeds the first time you will be in nomag second time so you won't lose mana or get any extra spell lag). Myself I cast "word of recall" first, followed by eating a homesick onion. If the spell succeeds I won't lose my onion, since I'll be in nomag when trying to eat it. If I lose concentration or have negative mana, I can rely on my onion to bring me home safely. You don't want to use scrolls. Scrolls can't be read when you are confused and might fail you in battle. Use potions or herbs to recall instead. You will want triggers for both gtell and order, since it will give the leader more control. Gtell is sent to whole group but order is only seen by groupmembers in the same room as the leader. If you have aura/immo, you might want to remove this before recalling. I'm not sure how this is best handled. Crap: "RECALL" / "Recall" Key: The Fountain Square of Karandras The Temple Altar of Myrridon Action: Wield your "normal" weapon. Note: Leaders count on people "reseting" their weapons after an area is completed. And some leaders forget to tell members what to use. Better to use your standard weapon than to go through a whole area using a weapon the opponents are immune to. People often go one step south after recalling, to get out of the nomag-room. This is ok, but if you recall on NC, you must instead go 2 west, or you will lose the group. Crap: - Key: gently lifts down your corpse from shoulder. just dropped Corpse of . gives you Corpse of . Action: get all wear all get Note: ALWAYS USE YOUR NAME! DO NOT USE "get all corpse", or you will risk looting another player with messy result. Don't forget to loot invisible items! When done, sacrifice the corpse. It will fail if you still have items in it - a good method to make sure you haven't forgotten to loot invisible items. Also, it will be less confusing to have only one corpse if you should die again. Crap: "get all corpse". NO! NO! NO! Key: starts feebly trying to budge the huge mithral bar. Action: break bar Note: Special Inglestone trigger Crap: - Key: starts straining muscles in an effort to push the boulder. Action: push boulder Note: Special Inglestone trigger Crap: - Key: blocks your attempt to flee, fight on you wimp! PANIC! You couldn't escape! Action: flee Note: You don't want to repeat "flee" manually! It's too slow and there's always the risk of fleeing once too many (accidentally fleeing back to the mob after successfully getting away) Crap: - Key: You are dead! Sorry... Action: 1 Note: This will make you log in again. It may have disadvantages, but if you're AK it's only a convenience and if you are AFK it gives people a possibility to give the corpse to you, tell you where your corpse is, give you information on what to do, comfort you or gloat. Crap: - Key: enters the hollow tree. Action: enter tree Note: Special Enchanted Forest trigger. Not vital. Crap: - Key: bends over and takes a zip from the well. Action: drink well Note: Special Dark Spawn trigger. Not vital. Crap: - Key: looks like about to headbutt the mirror, but * slides carefully through the mirror * Action: enter mirror Note: Special area triggers. Not vital. Crap: - Key: tells you 'refollow' Action: follow Note: Used by leader to put a good tank at the bottom. Crap: tells the group 'refollow' I see no point in telling the whole group to refollow. Is there? Key: tells the group, 'rest' issues the order 'rest'. tells the group, 'sleep' issues the order 'sleep'. tells the group, 'stand' issues the order 'stand'. Action: wake;rest / sleep / wake;stand Note: use "rest" instead of "sit" to regenerate faster. A group leader should not have to order "rest" before ordering "sleep". Nor should he have to order "wake" before ordering "stand". For safe & easy triggers, do a "wake" before any attempt to "rest"/"stand" (gag the message about already being awake if that bothers you). For more advanced scripters, have a variable keeping track of your current "position" and take the best action depending on that variable. Crap: "REST", "sit", "SIT", "SLEEP", "STAND", "wake", "WAKE" Key: tells the group, 'rem about' tells the group, 'wear about' Action: remove/wear your about-body item Note: Special Enchanted Forest trigger. Crap: "remove", "REM", "REMOVE", "WEAR", "ABOUT" Key: tells the group, 'drink ' tells the group, 'enter ' tells the group, 'leave ' tells the group, ' drink ' tells the group, ' enter ' tells the group, ' leave ' Action: drink/enter/leave Note: If non-spellcaster, don't trig on "enter tipi", "enter outpost", "enter wood" or "enter stone", unless is specified. Leaders ought to always use "outpost" instead of "tipi"/"wooden"/ "stone" If is "outpost"/"tipi"/"wooden"/"stone", always "wake" and "stand" before entering/leaving. Also, if entering, always "sleep" if you manage to enter it. Leader shouldn't have to "order group wake", "order group stand" just to be able to move people in/out of outposts. Crap: "DRINK", "ENTER", "LEAVE", "tipi", "wooden", "stone" Key: tells the group, 'flee' Action: flee Note: WARNING: Groupleaders often sends several gtells to make sure everyone sees them. IF you make this trigger, make sure you inactivate it for some time before turning it on again (eg after 1 minute, or next time you recall). Otherwise you will end up fleeing and fleeing and fleeing... which will probably get you killed. Crap: "FLEE" Key: The seems to be closed. Action: open Note: This message only appears when you try to move through a closed door. If you have a variable keeping track of your last move, a better action is to open This will make sure you open the correct door if there is more than one. Crap: - Key: You are hungry. You are thirsty. Action: eat / drink Note: Crap: - Well triggers: ============== climbs into The Well, looks * => enter well Key: tells the group, 'rem shield' tells the group, 'wear shield' Action: remove/wear your shield Note: Crap: "remove", "REM", "REMOVE", "WEAR", "SHIELD" Special class triggers (MA): ============================ Your surroundings start to change! => s cast/quaff/recite 'cure critic' (to avoid dying from critical wounds) cast/quaff/recite some kind of healing (to avoid dying from a single hit) cast 'contingency' tells the group, 'dd cop ' => cast 'dimension door' cast 'circle of protection' You try to escape, but your surroundings disable your contingency! => retreat recall flee cast 'teleport without error' eat homesick Note: This is how I handle it. You might want to solve it another way Your contingency fails, TOUGH LUCK! => cast 'teleport without error' eat homesick