; dt.tf ; Deathtrap safety. When doing an "exits", if any nearby room is a DT, the ; text "<<>>" will be added to the end of that exit. The setmovehook ; in the bottom will trigger on any such exit line, preventing you from moving ; in that direction and give you a warning (trying again will let you walk ; there). Moving in any other direction will work just as usual. /purge substdt* ; ------------------------ DT subst start ------------------------ /def -p2 -F -mregexp -t"^\[INFO\] ([^ ]+) hit death trap at (.+)\.$" substdtList = \ /if ({P2} =~ 'Pit') \ /let dtarea=3oS%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The unstable part of the wall') \ /let dtarea=Alchor%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Shroud of death') \ /let dtarea=Alterac%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'AAAOOOUCCHH!') \ /let dtarea=Krashkarand%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Falling into the gorge' | {P2} =~ 'An ill-balanced rock') \ /let dtarea=Amazonia%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Unstable ledge') \ /let dtarea=Amber Keep%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A Stalagmite Forest') \ /let dtarea=Ancalador%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Buried under a ton of rocks') \ /let dtarea=Antiriad%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The spider web') \ /let dtarea=HaonDor%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Mahatma\'s Inescapable Trap') \ /let dtarea=Arachnos%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Falling Deep into a Void') \ /let dtarea=Apocalypse%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A pit of spikes' | {P2} =~ 'Lemmings landing' | {P2} =~ 'Stench of death') \ /let dtarea=Battlefields%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Burnt Alive In The Molten Lava') \ /let dtarea=Cathedral%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Falling into the bottomless pit') \ /let dtarea=CitadelOfOrder%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Lion cages.') \ /let dtarea=Colosseum%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Trapped in the web!') \ /let dtarea=Dark Spawn%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Drop' | {P2} =~ 'A deadly weir') \ /let dtarea=Darkwater%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Corpse room') \ /let dtarea=Demoncity%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Hanging on the rope') \ /let dtarea=Desert%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Walking through DragonSpyre') \ /let dtarea=Dragonspyre%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Beaten to death by the Mangler' | {P2} =~ 'The mad doctors office' | {P2} =~ 'Trapped in a shrinking cell' | {P2} =~ 'A very dark, almost black, hole') \ /let dtarea=Dragontail Isle%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Sacrificial Pit') \ /let dtarea=Drow City%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Trapped in your personal hell!') \ /let dtarea=Dunheim%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Well') \ /let dtarea=Earthsea%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Falling off the edge of the mountain!') \ /let dtarea=Elven Lands%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'WAY Far Down into the Valley') \ /let dtarea=Elven Valley%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Falling down to the ground') \ /let dtarea=Elven Village%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Cave-In') \ /let dtarea=Enchanted Forest%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Pool of quicksand') \ /let dtarea=Feverish Swamps%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Too Bright to Tell' | {P2} =~ 'Black Hole') \ /let dtarea=Galaxy%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Certain Death' | {P2} =~ 'A pit of jutting spears') \ /let dtarea=Ghenna%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A Bottomless Pit') \ /let dtarea=Gorm%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The short way to hell...') \ /let dtarea=Graveyard%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Deep Crevasse') \ /let dtarea=Ice Wall%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A playground' | {P2} =~ 'Heaven' | {P2} =~ 'A Dark Bottomless Pit') \ /let dtarea=Impact%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A fathomless room') \ /let dtarea=Kerjim%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Uh-Oh!' | {P2} =~ 'Whoops...') \ /let dtarea=Kerofk%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Wily Ladder' | {P2} =~ 'A small attic') \ /let dtarea=Khronatio%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Darkness') \ /let dtarea=Laboratory%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Off The Edge') \ /let dtarea=Lagamore%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Whirlpool') \ /let dtarea=Lizard Lair%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A Large Magma Pool') \ /let dtarea=Lorca%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Eaten by the Wardrobe') \ /let dtarea=Lorchid%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Brittle Steps') \ /let dtarea=Midgaard%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'edon lacoF' | {P2} =~ 'DioV ehT') \ /let dtarea=Mirror Beyond%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Rickety Pier') \ /let dtarea=Myrridon%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A poison gas cloud' | {P2} =~ 'In The Huge Boiling Pan') \ /let dtarea=Myrridon Mines%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Steep slope') \ /let dtarea=Northern Plains%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A pool full of man-eating fish') \ /let dtarea=Ocean Floor%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Impassible Current' | {P2} =~ 'Schylla\'s Trap') \ /let dtarea=Oceania%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Offer altar') \ /let dtarea=Old Kingdom%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Climbing the Great Pyramid') \ /let dtarea=Pyramid%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Inside a Pentagram') \ /let dtarea=Rand\s Tower'%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Free fall from the Chain') \ /let dtarea=Redferne\s'%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Mid-Air') \ /let dtarea=Scubdu\s'%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Mid-air') \ /let dtarea=Sewers & Moria%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Walking The Plank' | {P2} =~ 'High Speed Dirt') \ /let dtarea=Shipwreck%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A Pit Full of Deadly Vipers') \ /let dtarea=Snake Lair%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Free fall') \ /let dtarea=Solom%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The well') \ /let dtarea=Storm Giant%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Falling away' | {P2} =~ 'The portcullis mechanism' | {P2} =~ 'The crumbling floor' | {P2} =~ 'A collision of spiralling dimensions' | {P2} =~ 'Firm ground' | {P2} =~ 'The Vault of Demons' | {P2} =~ 'Within the eye of an energy storm') \ /let dtarea=Taon%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'On the second floor') \ /let dtarea=Thalos%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Collapsed stairs') \ /let dtarea=Tomaaukkhen%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The long fall into oblivion' | {P2} =~ 'A long drop to certain death') \ /let dtarea=Toormail%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Target Area') \ /let dtarea=Tournament%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Submerged in icy cold water') \ /let dtarea=Turvagar%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Cracks in the earth' | {P2} =~ 'Falling into the flames' | {P2} =~ 'By a flaming cross') \ /let dtarea=Unholy Darkness%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A pack of evil ugly looking <0)+++<' | {P2} =~ 'Abnormally calm deep waters' | {P2} =~ 'The mouth of a yellow gupper fish' | {P2} =~ 'Stuck on the sharp fin of a yellow gupper fish') \ /let dtarea=Venden%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The burial' | {P2} =~ 'Sinking into the quagmire') \ /let dtarea=VoK%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'House of Pancakes') \ /let dtarea=Wyvern Tower%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Chaos Vortex') \ /let dtarea=Zorn Uzkul%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The sucking quicksand') \ /let dtarea=Ancient Lands%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Jumping off a cliff without a parachute?') \ /let dtarea=Snowball Land%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'In the pit') \ /let dtarea=Abandoned Caves%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'Inside the ramshackled cabin') \ /let dtarea=Woods of Whispers%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'A broken hayloft' | {P2} =~ 'Pit of Death') \ /let dtarea=Woods of Whispers%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Pit of Sarlaak') \ /let dtarea=DarkUnder%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Room Of Death' | {P2} =~ 'On the second floor of the library' | {P2} =~ 'An infinity trap' | {P2} =~ 'In the fire pit' | {P2} =~ 'Under a watchtower') \ /let dtarea=Known DT, but unknown where%; \ /elseif ({P2} =~ 'The Torture Chamber') \ /let dtarea=Known DT, but unknown where (NC)%; \ /else \ /let dtarea=UNKNOWN DT!!!%; \ /endif%; \ /substitute -p @{hCwhite}[@{hCred}INFO@{hCwhite}] @{n}%{P1} hit death trap at %{P2}@{Cyellow} (%{dtarea})@{n} ; ------------------------ DT subst end ------------------------ /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Uh-Oh!" substdt1 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Uh-Oh!@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Whoops..." substdt2 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Whoops...@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - Sacrificial Pit" substdt3 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}Sacrificial Pit@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - The spider web" substdt4 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}The spider web@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West ) - Mid-air$" substdt5 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Mid-air@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - Mid-Air" substdt6 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}Mid-Air@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|West |Down |Up ) - Climbing the Great Pyramid$" substdt7 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Climbing the Great Pyramid@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - Steep slope" substdt8 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}Steep slope@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - The unstable part of the wall" substdt9 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}The unstable part of the wall@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - Free fall from the Chain" substdt10 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}Free fall from the Chain@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Up - Hanging on the rope" substdt11 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Up - @{Ccyan}Hanging on the rope@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - Pit" substdt12 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}Pit@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West ) - Too Bright to Tell$" substdt13 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Too Bright to Tell@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Cracks in the earth" substdt14 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Cracks in the earth@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - Black Hole" substdt15 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}Black Hole@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West ) - Falling into the flames" substdt16 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Falling into the flames@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Falling down to the ground" substdt17 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Falling down to the ground@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - The Impassible Current" substdt18 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}The Impassible Current@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - Pool of quicksand" substdt19 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}Pool of quicksand@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Falling into the gorge" substdt20 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Falling into the gorge@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - The crumbling floor" substdt21 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}The crumbling floor@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - The crumbling floor" substdt21b = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}The crumbling floor@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West ) - The portcullis mechanism$" substdt22 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}The portcullis mechanism@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - AAAOOOUCCHH!" substdt23 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}AAAOOOUCCHH!@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - Mahatma's Inescapable Trap" substdt24 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}Mahatma's Inescapable Trap@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - A collision of spiralling dimensions$" substdt25 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}A collision of spiralling dimensions@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - Inside a Pentagram" substdt26 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}Inside a Pentagram@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - An ill-balanced rock" substdt27 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}An ill-balanced rock@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - Offer altar" substdt28 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}Offer altar@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - On the second floor of the library$" substdt29 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}On the second floor of the library@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Up - On the second floor" substdt30 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Up - @{Ccyan}On the second floor@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - A deadly weir" substdt31 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}A deadly weir@{hCyellow} <<>> ;/def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - The well" substdt32 = \ ; /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}The well@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - The well" substdt33 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}The well@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Up - Collapsed stairs" substdt34 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Up - @{Ccyan}Collapsed stairs@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - Lion cages" substdt35 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}Lion cages@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - Corpse room" substdt36 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}Corpse room@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - Firm ground" substdt37 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}Firm ground@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - Unstable ledge" substdt38 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}Unstable ledge@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - A Stalagmite Forest" substdt39 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}A Stalagmite Forest@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - Falling away" substdt40 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}Falling away@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - The Whirlpool" substdt41 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}The Whirlpool@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - Burnt Alive In The Molten Lava" substdt42 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}Burnt Alive In The Molten Lava@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"(North|South) - The short way to hell..." substdt43 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}The short way to hell...@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Buried under a ton of rocks" substdt44 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Buried under a ton of rocks@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|East |West ) - Off The Edge$" substdt45 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Off The Edge@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - A long drop to certain death$" substdt46 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}A long drop to certain death@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - The Deep Crevasse" substdt47 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}The Deep Crevasse@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East ) - Walking The Plank$" substdt48 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Walking The Plank@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West ) - edon lacoF$" substdt49 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}edon lacoF@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - The Vault of Demons$" substdt50 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}The Vault of Demons@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West ) - High Speed Dirt$" substdt51 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}High Speed Dirt@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West ) - Submerged in icy cold water$" substdt52 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Submerged in icy cold water@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - The burial" substdt53 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}The burial@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - A Bottomless Pit" substdt54 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}A Bottomless Pit@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - By a flaming cross" substdt55 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}By a flaming cross@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - By a flaming cross" substdt56 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}By a flaming cross@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - The Rickety Pier" substdt57 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}the Rickety Pier@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - The Target Area" substdt58 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}The Target Area@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - A fathomless room" substdt59 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}A fathomless room@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - Certain Death" substdt60 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}Certain Death@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - Chaos Vortex" substdt61 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}Chaos Vortex@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^Down - In the pit$" substdt62 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}In the pit@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - The sucking quicksand$" substdt63 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}The sucking quicksand@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - A pit of jutting spears" substdt64 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}A pit of jutting spears@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Schylla's Trap" substdt65 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Schylla's Trap@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|West ) - A poison gas cloud$" substdt66 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}a poison gas cloud@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Eaten by the Wardrobe" substdt67 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Eaten by the Wardrobe@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(West |South) - Shroud of death$" substdt68 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}Shroud of death@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - Well" substdt69 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}Well@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(East |South) - The Cave-In$" substdt70 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}The Cave-In@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West ) - The Free fall$" substdt71 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}The Free fall@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - WAY Far Down into the Valley" substdt72 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}WAY Far Down into the Valley@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - In The Huge Boiling Pan" substdt73 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}In The Huge Boiling Pan@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - A Large Magma Pool" substdt74 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}A Large Magma Pool@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - Within the eye of an energy storm$" substdt75 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Within the eye of an energy storm@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - Sinking into the quagmire" substdt76 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}Sinking into the quagmire@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - Trapped in your personal hell!" substdt77 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}Trapped in your personal hell!@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - House of Pancakes" substdt78 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}House of Pancakes@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - The Drop" substdt79 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}The Drop@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Walking on thin ice" substdt80 = \ /substitute -p @{Cwhite}Walking on thin ice@{hCyellow} (DT NEARBY!!!) /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - Trapped in the web!$" substdt81 = \ /substitute -p @{Cwhite}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Trapped in the web!@{hCyellow} (DT NEARBY!!!) /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - A pack of evil ugly looking <0)+++<" substdt82 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}A pack of evil ugly looking <0)+++<@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Abnormally calm deep waters" substdt83 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Abnormally calm deep waters@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - The mouth of a yellow gupper fish" substdt84 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}The mouth of a yellow gupper fish@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - Stuck on the sharp fin of a yellow gupper fish" substdt85 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}Stuck on the sharp fin of a yellow gupper fish@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - The Room Of Death$" substdt86 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}The Room Of Death@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - Brittle Steps$" substdt87 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Brittle Steps@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|East |West |Up |Down ) - Falling Deep into a Void$" substdt88 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Falling Deep into a Void@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - A playground" substdt89 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}A playground@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Heaven" substdt90 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Heaven@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - A Dark Bottomless Pit" substdt91 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}A Dark Bottomless Pit@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(Down |North) - Wily Ladder$" substdt92 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Wily Ladder@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - Falling into the bottomless pit" substdt93 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}Falling into the bottomless pit@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - The long fall into oblivion" substdt94 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}The long fall into oblivion@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - A small attic" substdt95 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}A small attic@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - A pool full of man-eating fish" substdt96 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}A pool full of man-eating fish@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - The Torture Chamber$" substdt97 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}The Torture Chamber@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - The bottomless pit" substdt98 = \ /if (area !~ 'Ghenna') \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}The bottomless pit@{hCyellow} <<>>%; \ /endif /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - Beaten to death by the Mangler" substdt99 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}Beaten to death by the Mangler@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - The mad doctors office" substdt100 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}The mad doctors office@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - Trapped in a shrinking cell" substdt101 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}Trapped in a shrinking cell@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - A very dark, almost black, hole" substdt102 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}A very dark, almost black, hole@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"North - A Pit Full of Deadly Vipers" substdt103 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}North - @{Ccyan}A Pit Full of Deadly Vipers@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"West - Falling off the edge of the mountain!" substdt104 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}West - @{Ccyan}Falling off the edge of the mountain!@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - A pit of spikes" substdt105 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}A pit of spikes@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"East - Lemmings landing" substdt106 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}East - @{Ccyan}Lemmings landing@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"South - Jumping off a cliff without a parachute?" substdt107 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}South - @{Ccyan}Jumping off a cliff without a parachute?@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(South|West ) - Inside the ramshackled cabin$" substdt108 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Inside the ramshackled cabin@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Up - A broken hayloft" substdt109 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Up - @{Ccyan}A broken hayloft@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -msimple -t"Down - Pit of Death" substdt110 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}Down - @{Ccyan}Pit of Death@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - The Pit of Sarlaak$" substdt111 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}The Pit of Sarlaak@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - An infinity trap$" substdt112 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}An infinity trap@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - In the fire pit$" substdt113 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}In the fire pit@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -p8 -mregexp -t"^(North|South|East |West |Up |Down ) - Under a watchtower$" substdt114 = \ /substitute -p @{Cgreen}%{P1} - @{Ccyan}Under a watchtower@{hCyellow} <<>> /def -F -t"North - *<<>>" dttrignorth = /set dtnorth 1%;/setmovehook /def -F -t"South - *<<>>" dttrigsouth = /set dtsouth 1%;/setmovehook /def -F -t"East - *<<>>" dttrigeast = /set dteast 1%;/setmovehook /def -F -t"West - *<<>>" dttrigwest = /set dtwest 1%;/setmovehook /def -F -t"Up - *<<>>" dttrigup = /set dtup 1%;/setmovehook /def -F -t"Down - *<<>>" dttrigdown = /set dtdown 1%;/setmovehook /def setmovehook = \ /purge sendhookdtdir%; \ /def -n1 -p$[{maxpri}-2] -h"SEND {west|east|down|south|north|up}" sendhookdtdir = \ /if (dtnorth & {1} =~ 'north') \ /tfshow Deathtrap north!%%; \ /elseif (dtsouth & {1} =~ 'south') \ /tfshow Deathtrap south!%%; \ /elseif (dteast & {1} =~ 'east') \ /tfshow Deathtrap east!%%; \ /elseif (dtwest & {1} =~ 'west') \ /tfshow Deathtrap west!%%; \ /elseif (dtup & {1} =~ 'up') \ /tfshow Deathtrap up!%%; \ /elseif (dtdown & {1} =~ 'down') \ /tfshow Deathtrap down!%%; \ /else \ /send %%{1}%%; \ /endif%%; \ /set dtnorth 0%%; \ /set dtsouth 0%%; \ /set dteast 0%%; \ /set dtwest 0%%; \ /set dtup 0%%; \ /set dtdown 0