; mobspecials.tf ; Scripts for handling special mobs and situations. I'd suggest you don't just ; copy this stuff, but instead read it carefully and copy & edit the stuff you ; think you can handle. ; Many things here use aliases defined in other places. /purge mobSpecial* /unaliasSilent enteroyster ;;;; Guallidurth ;/def -F -msimple -t"Deep down in the ravine" mobSpecialGuallidurthEntry1 = \ ; s /def -F -msimple -t"Alas, your alignment forbids you to go that way..." mobSpecialGuallidurthEntry2 = \ /if (area =~ "Guallidurth") \ where%; \ /def -F -mregexp -n1 -t"^([A-z]+)[ ]+- The dark portal" walkerslaskGuallSpecial = \ /if (classMa) \ dd %%{P1}%%; \ whe%%; \ /else \ /tfshow Get summon from someone inside!%%; \ getsummon%%; \ /endif%; \ /endif ;;;; Takhisis /def -F -msimple -n1 -t"The Shoikan Grove" mobSpecialTakhisis1 = \ /if (classMa & name =~ 'Cindy' & pg & groupleader !~ name) \ say I assume you want me to do my thing here?%; \ enwn%; \ /endif%; \ /def -F -msimple -n1 -t"The Tower of High Sorcery" mobSpecialTakhisis2 = \ /if (classMa & name =~ 'Cindy' & pg & groupleader !~ name) \ yell Ok! I'm inside the tower now!%%; \ yell Dalamar is one up from me, and Raistlin is up-north from him%%; \ yell I said: I'm inside the tower!%%; \ gt I'm inside the tower. *hint* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*%%; \ gtf nudge %{groupleader}%%; \ yell large I am inside!!!%%; \ tell %{groupleader} I am inside the tower now!%%; \ tell %{groupleader} Dalamar is one up from me, and Raistlin is up-north from him%%; \ /endif /def -F -ah -mregexp -t"^The eyes of the ([^ ]+) head glow with a " mobSpecialTakhisis3 = \ /if ({P1} =~ 'purple') \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /elseif ({P1} =~ 'blue') \ /eval /set wieldedweapon=%{weaponfire}%; \ /set vuln='fire'%; \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /elseif ({P1} =~ 'red') \ /eval /set wieldedweapon=%{weaponice}%; \ /set vuln='ice'%; \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /elseif ({P1} =~ 'green') \ /eval /set wieldedweapon=%{weaponunlife}%; \ /set vuln='unlife'%; \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /elseif ({P1} =~ 'orange') \ /eval /set wieldedweapon=%{weaponenergy}%; \ /set vuln='energy'%; \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /else \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /tfshow <<>>%; \ /endif%; \ /if (autoassist) \ kill dragon%; \ assist%; \ /endif /def -F -ah -msimple -t"Takhisis is immune." mobSpecialTakhisis4 ;;;; Malius /set maliuscounter 7 /def -F -ah -msimple -t"You seem unable to recognise your foe...." mobSpecialMalius1 = \ /set maliuscounter=$[{maliuscounter} - 1]%; \ /tfshow Malius fled! (%{maliuscounter})%; \ /if (maliuscounter == 0) \ /tfshow Malius is now back where he should be!%; \ /endif%; \ /set firenogood 0%; \ /if (autoassist) \ assist%; \ /endif ;;;; Mediator ;/def -F -ag -t"* is hit by a forcebolt sent by The Mediator\." mobSpecialMediator ;;;; Colossal Titan of the Kings ;/def -F -mregexp -ag -t"^(The |)(Colossal |)Titan of the Kings (\*\*\*ULTRASLAYS\*\*\*|\*\*\*U\*L\*T\*R\*A\*S\*L\*A\*Y\*S\*\*\*) " mobSpecialColossalTitan ;;;; Zandramas the child of dark /def -F -mregexp -t"^([^ ]+) looks rather pale and shaken as (he|she|it) jumps through the Flames\." mobSpecialZandramas1 = \ /if ({P1} =~ groupleader & realpg) \ enter flames%; \ /if (autoassist) \ assist%; \ /endif%; \ /endif /def -F -ah -msimple -t"You are pushed into the claws of darkness, you feel a strange feeling." mobSpecialZandramas2 = \ 3n2e3n2e%; \ /delay 3 /tfshow ;enter flame;assist ;;;; Elder Brain /def -F -msimple -t"Your limbs move of their own accord, you have no control over your body." mobSpecialElderBrain = \ /tfshow >>> BRAIN CONTROLLED! <<<%; \ /tfshow Leader -----> %{groupleader}%; \ stand%;recall%;stand%;recall%;2w%;rev%;6w2su%;toggle play%;toggle play%;d2n%;fol %{groupleader}%;usew mental%; \ /def -F -n1 -t"You are now a member of *" mobSpecialElderBrain2 = \ /if (classMa) \ dam1 pp%%; \ /elseif (classRo) \ dam1 bs%%; \ /endif%%; \ delay 1 /tfshow To get back, enter field and maybe walk one west ;;;; Ghalotiri /def -F -t"{*} gets a huge mound of gold coins from Corpse of Ghalotiri, the leader of the Medjai\." mobSpecialmobSpecial = \ /if (classMa) \ hs%;hs%; \ /endif ;;;; Nyx /def -F -msimple -t"Nyx knocks you off her ledge into Tantalus' domain." mobSpecialNyx1 = \ s4w3s6e3nu3s3w3n%; \ delay 3 /tfshow To get back to Nyx, go north /def -F -msimple -t"As you cross the narrow ledge, you misplace your foot and take a plummet back to Tartarus." mobSpecialNyx2 = \ s4w3s6e3nu3s3w3n /def -F -p4 -t"Nyx has conjured up confusion and you lost your *" mobSpecialNyx3 = \ /tfshow Trying to refollow %{lastleader}!%; \ /if (classPr) \ /tfshow First healing myself%; \ hh%; \ /endif%;\ fol %{lastleader}%; \ /if (itemv =~ "Ciquala's staff") \ /tfshow Using Ciquala's staff!%;\ use ciquala%; \ /endif%; \ /if (autoassist) \ assist%; \ /endif%; \ /def -F -msimple -n1 -t"Your vision returns!" mobSpecialNyx4 = \ fol %{lastleader}%%; \ /if (autoassist) \ assist%%; \ /endif%; \ delay 30 /purge nyxspecial4 ;;;; Eurynomus /def -F -msimple -t"Eurynomus keels over and shatters into two pieces." mobSpecialEurynomus = \ /tfshow SPLIT! AREA! AREA! AREA! AREA!%; \ /if (autodamage & classMa) \ delay 10 ;/set autodamage 1;drop doseconddamage%; \ d0%; \ /if (classMa == 2) \ pba%;pba%;pba%;pba%; \ /else \ hs%;hs%;hs%;hs%; \ /endif%; \ /endif ;;;; Chaos Entity /def -F -t"There is a sudden deafening roar and a swirling mass bursts from an*" mobSpecialChaosEntity = \ /if (classMa) \ bli2 entity%; \ /endif ;;;; Detrom /def -F -msimple -t"Corpse of Detrom suddenly springs to life, and you find yourself confronted by Detrom." mobSpecialDetrom = \ /if (0 & classMa) \ bli2 detrom%; \ /endif%; \ /set attacker %{P1}: Detrom attack%; \ /maybeassist ;;;; Torture Master of the Gith /def -F -t"The Torture Master of the Gith utters some strange words and transforms into a HUGE blood-suckying bat soaring overhead." mobSpecialTortureMaster = \ /substitute -p @{Cred}Torture Master@{n} -> @{nCbgred}@{Cblack}Vampiric bat%; \ /set opponentstring Vampiric bat%; \ d0 /def -F -t"A vampiric bat with HUGE wings settles back to the room floor and bellows with anger!" mobSpecialTortureMaster2 = \ /substitute -p @{Cbgred}@{Cblack}Vampiric bat@{n} -> @{Cbgblack}@{Cred}Torture Master%; \ /set opponentstring Torture Master ;;;; Shadow /def -F -ah -msimple -t"The Shadows reform." mobSpecialShadow = \ /tfshow Shadow is back!!!%; \ /if (autoassist & pg) \ assist%; \ gl%; \ /endif ;;;; Knight (in Myrridon) /def -F -t"{*} appears in a flash of light, appearing to have been beaten senseless\." mobSpecialMyrridonKnight = \ /if (autoassist) \ assist%; \ /endif ;;;; Vidir /def -F -ah -msimple -t'Vidir, the Embodiment of Anarchy lets out a shriek of pain, and splits into three.' mobSpecialVidir = \ /if (pg & classMa) \ hs%;hs%; \ /endif ;;;; Surak /def -F -ah -msimple -t'The force from the blow knocks your weapon from your hands, out of reach.' mobSpecialSurak = \ /tfshow ===== WEAPON LOST! =====%; \ yell NOOO! My weapon!%; \ say I lost my... %{wieldedweapon}? ;;;; Itindar /def -F -ah -msimple -t"The pile of severed limbs suddenly starts moving, empowered by an arcane" mobSpecialItindar = \ upp%; \ /if (autoassist) \ assist%; \ /endif ;;;; Draconian Jailor /def -F -ah -mregexp -t'^The Draconian Jailor picks up ([^ ]+) and runs away from battle.$' mobSpecialDraconianJailor = \ /if (classPr) \ su %P1%; \ /endif ;;;; Lord Sarakesh /def -F -ah -msimple -t"Amazed by your strength Lord Sarakesh staggers" mobSpecialSarakesh1a = \ /substitute -p Lord Sarakesh ==> Draconian Lord Sarakesh%; \ /if (autoassist) \ assist%; \ /endif /def -F -ag -msimple -t"away from battle, hatred burning in his eternal" mobSpecialSarakesh1b /def -F -ag -msimple -t"eyes. He quickly mutters an incantation in a" mobSpecialSarakesh1c /def -F -ag -msimple -t"language you have never heard before, and suddenly" mobSpecialSarakesh1d /def -F -ag -msimple -t"he starts to writhe in agony. His body suddenly" mobSpecialSarakesh1e /def -F -ag -msimple -t"starts to transform, and before you stands a" mobSpecialSarakesh1f /def -F -ag -msimple -t"gigantic Draconian." mobSpecialSarakesh1g /def -F -ah -msimple -t"The Giant Draconian yells out a gigantic cry of anger as you" mobSpecialSarakesh2a = \ /substitute -p Draconian Lord Sarakesh ==> Lich of Lord Sarakesh%; \ /if (autoassist) \ assist%; \ /endif /def -F -ag -msimple -t"prove too strong for his current form. He gives you a quick" mobSpecialSarakesh2b /def -F -ag -msimple -t"glare of hatred before muttering something in a draconic" mobSpecialSarakesh2c /def -F -ag -msimple -t"language. Before you know it he falls to the floor in agony," mobSpecialSarakesh2d /def -F -ag -msimple -t"his flesh melting away from his body. A few seconds later" mobSpecialSarakesh2e /def -F -ag -msimple -t"he stands up as a Lich glowing with power." mobSpecialSarakesh2f /def -F -ah -msimple -t"The Lich looks horrified at the realization that your powers are" mobSpecialSarakesh3a = \ /substitute -p Lich of Lord Sarakesh ==> Lord Sarakesh (lvl 100)%; \ /if (autoassist) \ assist%; \ /endif /def -F -ag -msimple -t"still too immense for him. Hatred burns as a blue flame in his" mobSpecialSarakesh3b /def -F -ag -msimple -t"eyes, but the intensity is diminishing. Lord Sarakesh tries to" mobSpecialSarakesh3c /def -F -ag -msimple -t"stand up straight, but almost falls over. As he casts the final" mobSpecialSarakesh3d /def -F -ag -msimple -t"incantation on his own body, he is practically yelling the words." mobSpecialSarakesh3e /def -F -ag -msimple -t"As the last word leaves his bony mouth, he falls over, starting" mobSpecialSarakesh3f /def -F -ag -msimple -t"to transform. He lets out an immense scream of pain, causing you" mobSpecialSarakesh3g /def -F -ag -msimple -t"to shudder in fear. Then he stands before you as an immense bone dragon." mobSpecialSarakesh3h ;;;; Skye /def -F -msimple -t"Skye flies in and roars defiantly!" mobSpecialSkye = \ /if (classMa & pg & owner =~ "Cindy") \ bli2 skye%; \ /endif ;;;; Navigator /def -F -mregexp -t"^(A|a)n intrepid navigator leaves ([^\.]+)\." mobSpecialNavigator = \ trigonnextline /tfshow =============================================%; \ /tfshow ============================================= ;;;; Hell Claw /def -F -msimple -t"The hell claw retreats a little from the melee, drops to the ground, and turns" mobSpecialHellClaw = \ k claw ;;;; Giant Oyster /def -F -msimple -t"The giant oyster sits here closed as it digests its latest meal." mobSpecialGiantOyster1 = tfnextlineshow type "enteroyster" to enter the oyster when it opens. /def -F -msimple -t"The giant oyster is opening in hopes of finding its next meal." mobSpecialGiantOyster2 = tfnextlineshow type "enteroyster" to enter the oyster when it opens. /alias enteroyster \ /def -F -msimple -n1 -t"Giant Oyster slowly opens its shell." mobSpecialGiantOyster3 = \ enter 1.giant%; \ enter 2.giant ;;;; Guardian of Oblivion /def -F -t"A tall Divine warrior is here, guarding the Gates of Oblivion*" mobSpecialGuardianOO1 = \ /if (align =~ "G") \ fol self%; \ ' %{openMessage}%; \ /repeat -5 1 drop guardianoospecial%; \ /def -F -n1 -msimple -t"%{groupleader}'s group leaves south." mobSpecialGuardianOO2a = \ s%%; \ fol %{groupleader}%%; \ dam1 pp%%; \ /purge mobSpecialGuardianOO2*%; \ /def -F -ag -n1 -msimple -t"You don't seem to have a guardianoospecial." mobSpecialGuardianOO2b = \ fol %{groupleader}%%; \ dam1 pp%%; \ tell %{groupleader} If you still want to enter, just leave the room andgo back in, and I'll have him open up again (bot msg)%%; \ /purge mobSpecialGuardianOO2*%; \ /endif /def -F -ag -msimple -t"You don't seem to have a guardianoospecial." mobSpecialGuardianOO3 ;;;; Tisiphone gate /def -F -msimple -t"The gates seems to be closed." mobSpecialTisiphone = \ /if (area =~ 'UnderWorld') \ ' %{openMessage}%; \ /endif ;;;; Cerberus & Hades /def -F -msimple -t"Top of the Ethereal Staircase" mobSpecialCerberus1 = \ /tfshow Cerberus! Turning off assists!%; \ /if (autoassist) \ /purge mobSpecialCerberus2%; \ /def -F -n1 -msimple -t"Bottom of the Ethereal Staircase" mobSpecialCerberus2 = ;agg;a1%; \ /endif%; \ noagg%; \ a0 ;;;; Pardus /def -F -p9999 -t"A man sits here in an armchair, reading a book.*" mobSpecialPardus1 = \ /tfshow Pardus! Turning off assists!%; \ /if (autoassist) \ /purge mobSpecialPardus2%; \ /def -F -n1 -msimple -t"Suddenly you notice something lying next to you." mobSpecialPardus2 = ;agg;a1%; \ /def -F -n1 -msimple -t"The Temple Altar of Myrridon" mobSpecialPardus3 = ;agg;a1%; \ /endif%; \ noagg%; \ a0 ;;;; Azimer /def -F -t"The Daedra Lord Azimer suddenly slams you with his tail. The force*" mobSpecialAzimer = \ 5e3u2e ;;;; Tixin'erto and friends ;/def -F -msimple -t"Tixin'erto is dead! R.I.P." mobSpecialTixin1 = get all corpse ;/def -F -msimple -t"A Warp spider is dead! R.I.P." mobSpecialTixin2 = get all corpse ;/def -F -msimple -t"A Phase spider is dead! R.I.P." mobSpecialTixin3 = get all corpse ;;;; Astral Plane /def -F -msimple -t"A massive blast of fire arrives blazing through the Astral Plane." mobSpecialAstralPlane1 = /tfShow WARNING: AGGIE ARRIVED! /def -F -msimple -t"A huge boulder of glistening ice arrives flying through the Astral Plane at high speeds!" mobSpecialAstralPlane2 = /tfShow WARNING: AGGIE ARRIVED! /def -F -msimple -t"A colossal body of hardened celestial matter arrives flying through the Astral Plane at high speeds!" mobSpecialAstralPlane3 = /tfShow WARNING: AGGIE ARRIVED! ;;;; Phycomid /def -F -t"Suddenly you fall to the ground and start writhing around in agony,*" mobSpecialPhycomid1 = \ ;upp;ass ;;;; Dragons Graveyard /def -F -msimple -t"Before your eyes the carcass has arisen in the form of a Zombie!" mobSpecialBGWyrm = \ /atrigSummons 1%; \ kill zombie ;;;; Snake Lair /def -F -msimple -n1 -t'A menacing voice whispers... "You have slaughtered my minions... the White Snake never forgets."' mobSpecialWhiteSnake = \ /tfshow WHITE SNAKE COMING!%; \ whe white%; \ ;;;; Lorca /def -F -msimple -t"You flail about with your arms, trying not to sink further into the mud." mobSpecialLorca = stan ;;;; Enchanted Forest /def -F -msimple -t"A great red wyrm is dead! R.I.P." mobSpecialEFWyrm = \ /if (!pg | groupleader =~ name) \ get treasure%; \ /endif ;;;; Thorn Demon /def -F -msimple -ag -t"The Thorn Demon grins evilly as the hairs on its head grow into large thick" mobSpecialThornDemon1 /def -F -msimple -ag -t"vines. They flail around the room briefly before they dart towards" mobSpecialThornDemon2 = \ /def -F -n1 -mregexp -ag -t"^([^ ]+) and bind (him|her|it).$$" mobSpecialThornDemon3 = \ /tfshow Bound: %%{P1} ;;;; Darkunder /def -F -msimple -t"The earth crumbles beneath your feet and you plunge into the darkness below!" mobSpecialDarkunderDrop1 = \ /tfshow === DROPPED ===%; \ tfnextlineshow === DROPPED === /def -F -msimple -t"You land face first in a putrid grub nest." mobSpecialDarkunderDrop2 = \ tfnextlineshow Probably 'seeuwu' to get to recallable room. /def -F -mregexp -t"^Suddenly the earth crumbles beneath ([^ ]+) who plunges into the darkness below\.$" mobSpecialDarkunderDropOther = \ tfnextlineshow %{P1} just dropped!!! /def -F -t"Some sudden squirming movements make you lose your footing, and you feel*" mobSpecialDarkunderWormFlee1 = ff /def -F -t"The Primeval Worm strikes with its slime-dripping maw, swallowing you whole!" mobSpecialDarkunderWormFlee2 = ff ; ========================= Xorn special start ========================= ;;;; Xorn (in well) ; If you have a variable that keeps track of what area you are in, you can ; use it to make sure this trigger only works when you are in The Well. ; Otherwise, just assume that you are in The Well. ; /set area Well ; If you have a variable that keeps track of group leader, use it, and adjust ; the trigger to work for you. I'm checking that only groupleader may use this ; trigger (unless groupleader is set to 'anyone'). I'm also making the aliases ; work if you're soloing (when groupleader is set to 'none') ; /set groupleader anyone ; In the alias to deposit gold, I'm using "wor" to recall, which (for me) will ; cast recall spell if available, otherwise quaff escape. Change to whatever ; you like, eg: ; /alias wor quaff escape /def -p9999 -F -mregexp -t"^([A-z]+) tells the group, 'xorn'$" dropGoldTrig1 = \ /if ({P1} !~ groupleader & groupleader !~ 'anyone') \ gt Only groupleader may use this.%; \ /elseif (area !~ 'Well') \ gt Only when in the Well%; \ /else \ dropgold%; \ /endif /purge dropGoldTrig1 /alias dropgold \ score%; \ /def -F -p9999 -n1 -mregexp -t"^ Hits: [^ ]*[ ]*Needed: [^ ]*[ ]*Gold: ([^ ]*)" dropGoldTrig = \ /set gold $$[replace(',','',{P1})]%%; \ /if (groupleader !~ 'none' & gold > 10000000) \ gt Having too much gold - depositing.%%; \ depositgold%%; \ /else \ /if (groupleader !~ 'none') \ gt Dropping %%{gold} gold.%%; \ /endif%%; \ drop %%{gold}%%; \ /endif /alias depositgold \ recall%; \ wor%; \ /def -F -p9999 -n1 -msimple -t"The Temple of Karandras" depositGoldTrig1 = \ /set depositGoldNc=0%; \ 2ses%%; \ score%; \ /def -F -p9999 -n1 -msimple -t"The Temple Altar of Myrridon" depositGoldTrig2 = \ /set depositGoldNc=1%; \ 2n%%; \ score%; \ /def -F -p9999 -n1 -mregexp -t"^ Hits: [^ ]*[ ]*Needed: [^ ]*[ ]*Gold: ([^ ]*)" depositGoldTrig3 = \ /set gold $$[replace(',','',{P1})]%%; \ deposit %%{gold}%%; \ /if (depositGoldNc) \ 2s2w%%; \ /else \ nw%%; \ /endif%%; \ /if (groupleader !~ 'none') \ gt Ready for summon back!%%; \ /endif%%; \ /purge depositGoldTrig*%; \ /repeat 30 1 /purge depositGoldTrig* ; ========================= Xorn special end =========================